APP - My emotions are mixed



Will we recover? Most assuredly we will. The cities with the biggest problems have been run by democrats for decades. They are in a bind. Do they restore law and order or do they get shamed like the Mayor of Minneapolis who was forced into a walk of shame. Did I tell you he was gay? Guess it is ok to be homophobic now.

So why am I conflicted? Well, part of me has a broken heart watching what is happening to once great cities. They are headed for hard times. People won't be visiting these cities anytime soon. People who can will begin to leave. It started years ago but will only accelerate. All you will be left with is urban blight, crappy schools and more crime.

But, the other part of me says, this is what you people asked for. This is what you voted for. We tried to warn you. But you wanted to be multicultural. We warned you about unchecked immigration from muslim countries who didn't want to assimilate. We warned you about playing the race card.

You built this monster and now it is devouring you.
As you say, they asked for it.
Sadly the rest of America will now be stuck with the rats fleeing the sinking ships. Thats a problem.
The condition of America's cities is determined by a number of factors. Political party domination of city government is not decisive. Demographics and economics are major causes; how those causes are handled by city government is not completely decided by partisan ideology because most of the important issues confronting city government have only one best answer. Efficiency in administration dictates the outcome more than philosophy or even party loyalty. The 21st century has seen major shifts in the global economy, shifts which have fallen on every city, although with differing results. Similarly, our population within cities is shifting quite markedly as Baby Boomers retire and Gen X and Millennials come into dominance with their quite different attitudes towards lifestyle.The bottom line of all this is that neither political party can, by controlling a local government, take that government away from the limitations created by economic and demographic forces. It is, by the way, those major forces which have given the Democratic Party its dominance in urban politics.

Will we recover? Most assuredly we will. The cities with the biggest problems have been run by democrats for decades. They are in a bind. Do they restore law and order or do they get shamed like the Mayor of Minneapolis who was forced into a walk of shame. Did I tell you he was gay? Guess it is ok to be homophobic now.

So why am I conflicted? Well, part of me has a broken heart watching what is happening to once great cities. They are headed for hard times. People won't be visiting these cities anytime soon. People who can will begin to leave. It started years ago but will only accelerate. All you will be left with is urban blight, crappy schools and more crime.

But, the other part of me says, this is what you people asked for. This is what you voted for. We tried to warn you. But you wanted to be multicultural. We warned you about unchecked immigration from muslim countries who didn't want to assimilate. We warned you about playing the race card.

You built this monster and now it is devouring you.

I was about to post that my hometown, New Orleans, had somewhat come back but it hasn't after I wiki'd it. The violent crime is as bad as it ever was, it's just that it's the normal now after 2 or 3 decades. They just aren't the murder capital anymore as other cities have surpassed N.O..
Cities in general seem to be spiraling down. I crossed off downtown Atlanta in 2005. While at a convention I was shaken down in broad daylight. We crossed out visiting Portland about 15 yrs ago. It's gotten worse since, now the home of antifa. We crossed off Seattle for good on our last visit. Now warlords have total control of a section of it.
S.F. now has poop patrols and sanctuary for violent criminals if they are undocumented aliens. It goes on and on, one city after another falling to the criminals.
When my wife followed me to America 25 yrs. ago before we were married her goal was to eventually live in a city. That has changed.
As far as cities go my favorite now is Bellingham, WA. Hope they don't ruin that.