My experience with a closet pedophile


Let's go Brandon!
I had a client about 20 years ago, I'll call him Tony. Kind of an odd little guy with a fat wife. He had sagging floors in the second floor of his home and it turned out to be a framing issue. I designed a repair for him and sent him a bill. He was 30 days late so I charged him interest and he paid his bill plus the interest.

A year later he called me again about a contractor issue. I was renting office space from a contractor that I did a lot of business with so hooked them up. A few days later we ran into each other in the common area of our office and we started talking. It turns out that he was doing consulting, and I needed someone to do some part-time accounting, so I hired him for two half-days per week.

Tony was a hoot to talk with. Very interesting life story. His birth parents were killed when he was young and his adoptive father was a spy for the OSS during WW2. He was the only child and inherited enough wealth to live comfortably. His wife wasn't fat when they got married and he was very disappointed that she let herself go.

One time another employee was caught surfing porn in the office. We found out because his PC was spouting out new pop ups every 15 seconds.
Tony unplugged the thing from our network so the viruses wouldn't infect the rest of our system. It took him hours to clean the thing out, as I recall he had to toss out the root hard drive and swap in a new one and do a complete re-boot of it. I heard from Tony for days what a scum bag the guy was for doing that in the office.

Another time we had a client who was caught embezzling from his company and that caused all sorts of hardship for us. Tony went on and on what a scumbag the guy was.

Tony and I eventually parted ways and several years after that I spotted his name in the local newspaper. He had been caught in a sting operation, SBI or FBI I don't remember, posing as a young girl over the internet and Tony took the bait. According to the story he walked into what he thought was the girls house and instead met uniformed cops. Just like the TV show.
men who want to CONTROL people

they want that feeling of being in complete control of their sex partner

evil control sick assholes who then BURN into their sexual needs the image of children because they are sooooooo vulnerable and manipulatable

its a choice

being gay is NOT
The ones I have run into in my life were republicans

all full of how tuff they were

then It turns out they were harming children just to get their nut off

fucking sociopaths