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The law finally caught up with an alleged gang member who police say held down his 7-year-old son while a fellow gang-banger tattooed the boy's belly with the group's insignia.

Police say 26-year-old Enrique Gonzales held down his 7-year-old son while another gang member tattoed the group's insignia on his belly.

Fresno cops arrested Enrique Gonzalez, 26, at hotel in the Sierra foothills and booked him for investigation of mayhem, child abuse, false imprisonment, battery, participating in a criminal street gang and committing a crime for the benefit of a gang, Police Chief Jerry Dyer said.

Gonzales, a member of Fresno's largest street gang, the Bulldogs, held down his son while another gang member painfully marked the boy's belly with the group's insignia -- a paw print, police said.

The boy's mother reported the incident in April, police said.

When police searched the hotel room where they arrested Gonzales, they found a picture of him and the boy, along with another child who also had gang graffiti on their bodies, the Fresno Bee reported.
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The alleged tattooer, 20-year-old Travis Gorman, was arrested not long after the incident and charged with six felonies. He pleaded not guilty last month and is being held under a $700,000 bond.

Family members told police the boy is traumatized by the incident.


The boy is traumatized by the incident, gee I wonder how the family feels about dear old dad killing rival gang members, selling dope, stealing or any of the other wonderful things gang members do.

LOL! No wonder!