My favorite cats...


Well-known member
The southeast Asian fishing cat. Apparently, these little dudes have webbed paws and are excellent swimmers.
Highly endangered sand cat kittens...these little sand cats were reportedly filmed in the Moroccan desert.
Thanks for sharing Cypress! Domesticated felines are the only pets I have.

I had three cats but now I'm down to one. Sigh....
Thanks for sharing Cypress! Domesticated felines are the only pets I have.

I had three cats but now I'm down to one. Sigh....

I am sorry to hear some of your furry buddies are no longer with you. Merry Christmas to you and your feline friend!
Would love to have a cat but alas.... the parrots won't allow it. My brother has three Maine coon cats. They're HUGE! He said that they are so tall that they can put their paws on the kitchen counters and peek over the edge to steal something left too close.
I am sorry to hear some of your furry buddies are no longer with you. Merry Christmas to you and your feline friend!

Thank You Cypress. I lost one in October and the other in November. I'm keeping close tabs on my last kitty.

Merry Christmas to your and yours too!!
Aw, that's horrible. I'm so sorry. Were they up there in age?

Thank You Owl.

The sad thing is that they weren't older cats. Lucy, I believe, got hit by a car, I found her the next morning laying in the road. My boy Jupiter became ill and passed away before I could get him to the vet. He didn't show any symptoms prior to being sick. I live in a small town where there isn't an emergency vet clinic or hospital available over the weekend near by. Both were strays that showed up to claim me, ha! Same as my last boy, Honey.

It's good to "see" you around. I hope you and Mr. Owl have a very Merry Christmas and had a good Winter Solstice!
Thank You Owl.

The sad thing is that they weren't older cats. Lucy, I believe, got hit by a car, I found her the next morning laying in the road. My boy Jupiter became ill and passed away before I could get him to the vet. He didn't show any symptoms prior to being sick. I live in a small town where there isn't an emergency vet clinic or hospital available over the weekend near by. Both were strays that showed up to claim me, ha! Same as my last boy, Honey.

It's good to "see" you around. I hope you and Mr. Owl have a very Merry Christmas and had a good Winter Solstice!

Thank you so much! Same to you and your family as well. Bless your heart for taking those guys in as strays and giving them love and attention and a good life. Bastet will reward you.
I married a cat lady, so, we've got some. It is one of the two pets I grew-up raising (along with pygmy goats), so, I am well accustomed to cats.
Thanks for this thread, Cypress. There is no such thing as a bad cat!

Thanks for sharing Cypress! Domesticated felines are the only pets I have.

I had three cats but now I'm down to one. Sigh....

If I could do my education over again I'd seriously consider going to vet school and eventually do a cat only vet practice. Love those little critters!