My Fellow Lefties . . .


I think we should go into business together. Yeah, we can all hear the wingnuts laughing about the very idea. Ignore 'em.

We've all seen the cheap merchandise -- assembled by 12 year old labor in Singapore, most likely -- hawked on Cafe Press: licenses for hunting liberals and the like. I think we're missing out on an opportunity for some nice pocket change.

Pinatas. Pinatas shaped like the heads of prominent cons. You know "smack Rush Limbaugh upside the head and get a treat" kind of thing. And not just Limbaugh, of course. Richard Perle, Newt Gingrich, Don Rumsfeld . . . Dick Cheney and George Bush.

I think there's a market out there. :cof1:
Hmmm... Let us in too and we'll sell ones with prominent Libs. I'll bet they'll sell like hot cakes!

Let's set it up!
I think we should go into business together. Yeah, we can all hear the wingnuts laughing about the very idea. Ignore 'em.

We've all seen the cheap merchandise -- assembled by 12 year old labor in Singapore, most likely -- hawked on Cafe Press: licenses for hunting liberals and the like. I think we're missing out on an opportunity for some nice pocket change.

Pinatas. Pinatas shaped like the heads of prominent cons. You know "smack Rush Limbaugh upside the head and get a treat" kind of thing. And not just Limbaugh, of course. Richard Perle, Newt Gingrich, Don Rumsfeld . . . Dick Cheney and George Bush.

I think there's a market out there. :cof1:

Count me in!