My Hawaii neighbor survived a shark attack

When there I do an hour swim in that same bay every morning starting at sunrise .
I'll have to rethink that now. Damn it. Love my morning ocean swims.

Wow, that is really not smart.
As far as I know, many shark species are most active at dawn and dusk.

There is zero change I would be in the ocean at sunrise. Although when you think about it probabilistically, the chance of a shark bite anytime of day is pretty close to nil.
Wow, that is really not smart.
As far as I know, many shark species are most active at dawn and dusk.

There is zero change I would be in the ocean at sunrise. Although when you think about it probabilistically, the chance of a shark bite anytime of day is pretty close to nil.

Damn shame. That bay is glass early in the a.m. No way I can enjoy it anymore always thinking about some shark tailing me.
My neighbor had been kayaking early too. It was a regular thing for her and her husband, Kim also. She's claims she plans on going back out though.

When there I do an hour swim in that same bay every morning starting at sunrise .
I'll have to rethink that now. Damn it. Love my morning ocean swims.

Your chances of being bitten or killed by a shark are far, far less than being killed in an auto accident.

If you love swimming or diving, please reconsider. It is your life though and I would never presume to guide you.

I lived in the remote South Pacific for a year and swam amongst black tips, Grey tips and thankfully never encountered a tiger shark, but they are mostly docile in the day. At night, they are more active.

I don't know what happened to your neighbor, but I would bet it is rare.
Your chances of being bitten or killed by a shark are far, far less than being killed in an auto accident.

If you love swimming or diving, please reconsider. It is your life though and I would never presume to guide you.

I lived in the remote South Pacific for a year and swam amongst black tips, Grey tips and thankfully never encountered a tiger shark, but they are mostly docile in the day. At night, they are more active.

I don't know what happened to your neighbor, but I would bet it is rare.

Only takes once!
Holy crap. I'm so glad she survived. Gods, what a horrible thing. I'm not sure I would ever be able to go back in the sea after that!

I've always been a little leery when making that swim. Even asked another neighbor , who had recently done the lavaman tri where they do the swim in A-bay , about sharks there. He told me no worries, just small reef sharks too small to mess with humans.
I'll continue to swim there but close to the beach no deeper than 2-3 feet depth. :(
I've always been a little leery when making that swim. Even asked another neighbor , who had recently done the lavaman tri where they do the swim in A-bay , about sharks there. He told me no worries, just small reef sharks too small to mess with humans.
I'll continue to swim there but close to the beach no deeper than 2-3 feet depth. :(

That's where they want you to think it's safe, you know. lol

"Most attacks occur in nearshore waters, typically inshore of a sandbar or between sandbars where sharks feed and can become trapped at low tide. Areas with steep drop-offs are also likely attack sites. Sharks congregate there because their natural food items also congregate in these areas."
Damn shame. That bay is glass early in the a.m. No way I can enjoy it anymore always thinking about some shark tailing me.
My neighbor had been kayaking early too. It was a regular thing for her and her husband, Kim also. She's claims she plans on going back out though.

Sharks get a bad rap.
They are not out there hunting humans.
A shark bite is almost always a case of mistaken identity.
It is almost unheard of for a shark to consume a human. Very rare.

That said, just the mere thought of big, powerful fish in the water with you is something that terrifies some primitive survival instinct embedded in our neurons, regardless of the statistical probability of a shark bite.
Your chances of being bitten or killed by a shark are far, far less than being killed in an auto accident.
Statistically that's hard to judge/ compare.
Take the no. of casualties in a car / total no. of auto trips. Most of us drive at least twice a day every day.
Pretty small odds.
No. shark bites / total no. of recreational trips in the ocean = odds of shark bite.
Both small odds but near impossible to figure accurately.
Far fewer frequency of recreational trips in the ocean.
Sharks get a bad rap.
They are not out there hunting humans.
A shark bite is almost always a case of mistaken identity.
It is almost unheard of for a shark to consume a human. Very rare.

That said, just the mere thought of big, powerful fish in the water with you is something that terrifies some primitive survival instinct embedded in our neurons, regardless of the statistical probability of a shark bite.
Agreed, it's mistaken identity. The shark first tried to bite my neighbor's kayak, upturning it. The bite marks were on the boat.
If I can see a shark I'm not afraid. It's one that mistakes me for food and I don't see him is what scares me.
That's where they want you to think it's safe, you know. lol

"Most attacks occur in nearshore waters, typically inshore of a sandbar or between sandbars where sharks feed and can become trapped at low tide. Areas with steep drop-offs are also likely attack sites. Sharks congregate there because their natural food items also congregate in these areas."
Psychologically I'll feel safer and can enjoy the swim more.
That's all that really matters.
Oh and thanks for the link.