My little boy

My avitar is my little boy who is about 2 1/2 months old.

Rufus is very smart and full of piss and vinegar.

He is an Australian Shepard / Border Collie mix.

He is cute!!! You're going to have a great time with this little guy. :)
Thanks Thorn.

Hes a real corker.

He settled right in and can sit ,stay, liedown, speak and come so far.

He knows all important words already like Food, Dish, Eat, Good Boy and the like.

He potty trained in no time at all.

he wieghs about 25 lbs I think and is really starting to run alot.

He makes monkey sounds when he gets all riled up and all our arms are covered with teeth scratches but he does understand "No Biting" he just gets frenzied sometimes because his teeth hurt.

He has made this a wonderful christmas.

I can believe all of that! They are the two smartest breeds and both, I've found, are also extremely loving. Though the potty training with these guys is a snap, a puppy taught me to put her outside while I cleaned up, not to do it in front of her if she had an accident. Apparently she thought she was giving me a present and that I must like to clean up -- after all, puppies don't do things they don't want to do, right?

I can imagine what a joy this little guy is for you! Puppies are the greatest and they can grow up into big puppies who are the greatest. :)
I keep being torn between trying to cherish his puppyhood and so wanting to see him big.

Yes the first thing you do is put them outside when they make a mistake and tell them Potty belongs outside. It can even be helpful to take the Poop outside and place it where you want them to go.

Once the boy figured out he could use the dog door all by himself he was done training.

Its kinds sad when you realise they are having growing pains and dont know what to do. Sometimes I massage his legs but every once in awhile that doesnt help. poor boy.

Oh, he'll be big soon enough. I look at his picture and melt on the spot! He'll carry a lot of the puppy enthusiasm with him -- Barley (the BC) is three and still acts like a puppy. Rory (my ADD Aussie) at four is somewhat less goofy than he used to be, but that's because he's been through so much obedience training. They still play together as if they were pups, and both think that my lap is where they belong.

I know you know this, but for those who might read this and wonder the best approach to potty training: take the pup outside immediately after he's eaten or wakes up from a nap. Be alert for nose-down circling, seeking behavior: he's looking for just the right spot. Once he does the right thing outside, praise him lavishly and bring him in. Once he understands what to do, he'll be completely trained. After the first time I put that puppy (gently!) out of sight while I cleaned up after her, she never had another accident in the house.

It sounds like you're building a wonderful bond with this boy.