APP - ****My long awaited Mueller predictions and analysis****


Many on JPP have been breathlessly awaiting what I think will happen when Mueller finally releases his report. So here it is

1) Attorney General Barr will follow the letter of the law which states that he must review it FIRST and redact portions that have national security implications. The left will falsely interpret this as "Trump and Barr are obstructing justice and keeping us from seeing the whole report". You will hear a media storm of "RELEASE THE ENTIRE REPORT". The narrative will be that Trump is having Barr hide the report. Of course that won't match the truth. They will be merely following the law. It would be wise for Trump to get out ahead of this and make an announcement about how this will all go down to mitigate the media spin

2) Mueller's report will be long on innuendo and suppositions, but short on conclusive facts

3) Mueller will rehash the process crimes he has already brought. He will also rehash the whole "intelligence community said Russia wanted to help Trump blah blah blah..."

4) Mueller will claim that there were "numerous contacts with Russians"

5) Mueller will not find collusion or conspiracy by President Donald Trump to have the Russians hack any email servers or interfere in the election

6) If every word of the report is not released, the leftists in the media and JPP will flip their collective lids screaming for TRANSPARENCY

7) The democrats in the house will likely try to subpoena the entire report OR they will demand that Muller testify

8) The democrat party will claim that even though Muller never found "collusion or conspiracy" that this investigation was "never about collusion or conspiracy". They will claim it was always about money laundering and President Trumps tax returns and they will vow to keep investigating until the cows come home.
One other addition to my stellar political analysis

We will also see a stretching of the word "collusion" beyond what is reasonably defined. If Trump drank Vodka it will be proof of Russian collusion. Trump doesn't drink so my statement is meant to be hyperbole for those who like to be "literal" when it suits their political purposes.