My newest storey - "The Hand of Jesus"


I wrote this for Creative writing class. Took me about three hours. Hope you like it.

The Hands of Jesus
By: WM

Two scientists were in a spaceship. They went to a planet.

When they layeth their feet on the planet, one gasps “Holy shit! This place is covered in a bunch of gray goo!” he says. He’s really hot. The other scientist is a girl and she’s got big boobs but meh in the face.

Oh no! He says. “It’s eating me!” and he looketh down, and behold, his feet were being eaten. The hot girl scientist is still in the vehicle so she says “Oh no! Bye.” And leaves, cus she’s a coward. Just like a woman. So she goes up to the uber ship and launches and stuff and lands there. And when she’s on it, she discovers her vehicle has been eaten away mostly. OH no!

And so the gray goo ate the entire uber-ship (which, BTW, was humanities last hope, so everyone dies).
I wrote this for Creative writing class. Took me about three hours. Hope you like it.

The Hands of Jesus
By: WM

Two scientists were in a spaceship. They went to a planet.

When they layeth their feet on the planet, one gasps “Holy shit! This place is covered in a bunch of gray goo!” he says. He’s really hot. The other scientist is a girl and she’s got big boobs but meh in the face.

Oh no! He says. “It’s eating me!” and he looketh down, and behold, his feet were being eaten. The hot girl scientist is still in the vehicle so she says “Oh no! Bye.” And leaves, cus she’s a coward. Just like a woman. So she goes up to the uber ship and launches and stuff and lands there. And when she’s on it, she discovers her vehicle has been eaten away mostly. OH no!

And so the gray goo ate the entire uber-ship (which, BTW, was humanities last hope, so everyone dies).
+1 man point, for wasting time.
I wrote this for Creative writing class. Took me about three hours. Hope you like it.

The Hands of Jesus
By: WM

Two scientists were in a spaceship. They went to a planet.

When they layeth their feet on the planet, one gasps “Holy shit! This place is covered in a bunch of gray goo!” he says. He’s really hot. The other scientist is a girl and she’s got big boobs but meh in the face.

Oh no! He says. “It’s eating me!” and he looketh down, and behold, his feet were being eaten. The hot girl scientist is still in the vehicle so she says “Oh no! Bye.” And leaves, cus she’s a coward. Just like a woman. So she goes up to the uber ship and launches and stuff and lands there. And when she’s on it, she discovers her vehicle has been eaten away mostly. OH no!

And so the gray goo ate the entire uber-ship (which, BTW, was humanities last hope, so everyone dies).
Sounds like a Heinlein novel. You sure you didn't plagerize this?
I wrote this for Creative writing class. Took me about three hours. Hope you like it.

The Hands of Jesus
By: WM

Two scientists were in a spaceship. They went to a planet.

When they layeth their feet on the planet, one gasps “Holy shit! This place is covered in a bunch of gray goo!” he says. He’s really hot. The other scientist is a girl and she’s got big boobs but meh in the face.

Oh no! He says. “It’s eating me!” and he looketh down, and behold, his feet were being eaten. The hot girl scientist is still in the vehicle so she says “Oh no! Bye.” And leaves, cus she’s a coward. Just like a woman. So she goes up to the uber ship and launches and stuff and lands there. And when she’s on it, she discovers her vehicle has been eaten away mostly. OH no!

And so the gray goo ate the entire uber-ship (which, BTW, was humanities last hope, so everyone dies).

This does explain why you failed and continue to do so. :good4u:
watermark....your grandma didn't fall for the.....its just gray goo give up now trying to pawn your gray goo "hand" stories off on others...
The man walked down the street. In his path appeared a girl in her early 20's, wearing black rimmed glasses. She craned her neck and with a pouty expression said she wanted to cross the street, but she was deathly afraid she would be killed if she attempted it alone. She asked the man for assistance. The man said, if you want to cross the road, you first have to wait for me to get pizza combos. The man went inside a store, the girl waited, not budging, not moving. Paralyzed with fear.

The man emerged and walked across the sidewalk with this stupid girl. It was such a strange occurance. The girl seemed to want to keep talking to the man, but the man wanted to eat his pizza combos. The man never saw the girl again.

The end
The man walked down the street. In his path appeared a girl in her early 20's, wearing black rimmed glasses. She craned her neck and with a pouty expression said she wanted to cross the street, but she was deathly afraid she would be killed if she attempted it alone. She asked the man for assistance. The man said, if you want to cross the road, you first have to wait for me to get pizza combos. The man went inside a store, the girl waited, not budging, not moving. Paralyzed with fear.

The man emerged and walked across the sidewalk with this stupid girl. It was such a strange occurance. The girl seemed to want to keep talking to the man, but the man wanted to eat his pizza combos. The man never saw the girl again.

The end

after leaving the man eating his pizza combos, the girl slipped into an alley and established radio contact with the Mother Ship....."I have obtained the final DNA sample"......she received new orders...."Find the earthling known as Watermark and feed him to the grey goo".......