APP - My political instincts are pretty phenomenal

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Not only did I predict the outcome of the election with surprising accuracy. I made these statements/predictions

I actually think the GOP would be happy to impeach him. But that would leave us with Pence so I say bring it on

100% agree

In fact it wouldn't break my heart to see Trump impeached and Pence be President. Imagine the pro life Justices we would get then?

Win win as far as I am concerned.

If Hillary wins, I hope she fails at executing her destructive agenda. I also believe she will be impeached. I do think that the GOP would not have a problem impeaching Trump out of spite if he beats them. Of course that would be fine with me. I think I can count on Pence to nominate judges that will dismantle Roe v Wade

Many in the GOP establishment have come out forcefully against Trump. Now they claim that it is a principled opposition, but I don't believe them. You don't hear them EVER attack Hillary Clinton.

I believe that they fear Trump because if he were elected President and they kept their majorities, then they would no longer have excuses for their fecklessness about

Ending funding for Planned Parenthood
Repealing Obamacare

and every other policy they have run for the tall grass on because they are afraid of the liberal media being mean to them.

They would ultimately be exposed for being weak kneed and feckless.

Anything it takes to keep the Clinton's from desecrating the White House again. Yes, I am giddy as can be to see her finally taken down. I don't care how it happens.

For the record, she was collapsing in the polls prior to Comey's decision. But, I can see how you Hillary supporters will use Comey as an excuse for her losing. Don't forget Russia.

Look, I hope Trump wins and then gets impeached in three weeks and we get President Pence. Then I know I will get three or four right wing judges to overturn Roe v Wade. So bring that shit on
Not only did I predict the outcome of the election with surprising accuracy. I made these statements/predictions
Why the duck do you care about abortion anyway, you should be happy that there are millions less gangbangers on the streets or in goals.

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Why the duck do you care about abortion anyway, you should be happy that there are millions less gangbangers on the streets or in goals.

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This is not a thread about abortion. This is a thread about my phenomenal political instincts