My Posts Got Deleted!


JPP Modarater
This is why Damoland is way better than other blogs and message boards.

I got just got censored! A Jersey senator posted something about a state song that was being put up. So naturally since he was actually responding I wanted to take the time yesterday to tell what I thought of everything. To my surprise he actually invited me to call his office and chat. Well anyway, I asked if he could post his answers in the blog and yada yada yada, I posted this:
Hi Les,
I'm sure you've gathered from my line of questioning that I'm somewhat fiscally conservative. While I definitely support making good on the obligations the state has made to current employees in regards to their pensions, I think its time we re-evaluate pensions in general. They were offered in early years to be competitive with private industry. As we've seen with GE and other corporations, that model is not working out long term and tends to bring about bankruptcy if any pricey evnts come to fruition. A lot of companies are moving away from traditional pensions and instead are offering 401Ks. Given our current fiscal mess, perhaps the state should look to retirement alternatives for its new employees (raising the age, cutting back benefits, etc) My concern stems from various sources such as this one that highlight the enormous cost of such iniatives.

Also, with regards to the cap on increases, I think we should move a step further and put a cap on property taxes themselves. Home prices in this state are outrageous. I'm a potential first time buyer in the market for a home myself (hence the name) and I can tell you the prices of the homes and the taxes that go along with them are almost criminal. Putting a cap on a raise to the already criminal prices just isn't enough.

Kudos on requiring voter approval for borrowing projects and on bailing out subprime lenders. Do support bailout efforts for the borrowers themselves?

Although I did vote for Corzine, I'm not happy with the sales tax increase. Feel free to pass that along . Raising revenue isn't enough. We've got to get a leash on state expenditures.

Again, I appreciate your responses.

-Have a Nice Day.

Someone even quoted me and then after I reposted it, it was deleted.

They deleted the last two or three of my posts. I don't get it.
You must have said something they did not like.

Yeah but what?! I was on my best behaviour. I could have told him what I really thought like a lot of other people, but I kept it civil and pretty respectful as far as I'm concerned.
They deleted the last two or three of my posts. I don't get it.

Somebody in their office is going to use it and claim it as their own. Soon you will hear Les out there saying it nearly word for word and talking about how smart he is for coming up with it.
Somebody in their office is going to use it and claim it as their own. Soon you will hear Les out there saying it nearly word for word and talking about how smart he is for coming up with it.

Well, I doubt its campaign worthy, but still that pisses me off. They should have at least given a reason for the deletion. That's just unfair.
Well, I doubt its campaign worthy, but still that pisses me off. They should have at least given a reason for the deletion. That's just unfair.

It's very well written, but I don't like what it says. Maybe that's why they deleted it? :)