APP - My prediction was wrong, but now what?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So it does appear that my prediction that Nancy wouldn't impeach was wrong. It is clear that she has been taken over by the radical fringe of the democrat party. So we are going to have a vote tomorrow supposedly, but then what?

We all know that if it goes to the Senate it will either be dismissed outright OR if a trial is held President Trump will be acquitted. I can't imagine that the democrat party will abide by either outcome because regardless of their spin it will be a victory for Trump.

Another theory is being floated around and that is that the democrat party will vote to impeach BUT not send it over to the Senate. Chucky Schumer may be telegraphing that move by publicizing his list of "demands" for a "fair trial".

Will the democrat party take this route? Will they claim that the Republicans are "holding impeachment hostage"? Will they claim that because there is no way that there will be a "fair process" they can't send it over to the Senate?

Should be interesting