My prediction

I predict that a law will be passed preventing non citizens from buying handguns....

I don't think it will pass constitutional muster. The second amendment is interpreted to be a broad grant of authority to carry arms. Note the use of the word "person" and "citizen" as used in the constitution. These have particular and specific meanings. If I'm not mistaken, I believe the 2nd amendment applies to "persons".
Wait and see....
Some law will be passed as a result of the VA Tech Massacre.
I think it to be this one.

Fatherland Security would love it as well.
Based on this kid alone? He came here as an 8-year-old and grew up in DC. Did nearly all of his schooling in this country. I'm willing to bet that he was a citizen, probably as a part of his family's naturalized citizenship.

Not that I've tried, but I've just taken it for granted that I wouldn't be eligible for a handgun licence at the present time -- I'm just experiencing the joys of permanent immigration right now. :( (Canadian, here on a professional visa, etc., married to a Yankee :) ).
I am just predicting a knee jerk response from our lawmakers.
It might even sell with the far right nuts. After all they are not real Americans now are they ...
I am just predicting a knee jerk response from our lawmakers.
It might even sell with the far right nuts. After all they are not real Americans now are they ...

It this was a new Mexican immigrant, and especially if not here legally, I think that there would be a lot of far right support for such a measure.

I doubt it will happen from this incident though.
I noticed the furror arising about increased bun controls since my prediction, We will see what will happen...
I noticed the furror arising about increased bun controls since my prediction, We will see what will happen...
Yeah, bun controls are important. People who eat those things attack others, in fact it is well known that all serial killers at some point in time ate a bun. :D (sorry uscit, I had to..)

I predict that it will be more in regard to enforced mental health care for those who display the signs that this kid/man was showing. The similarities between him and Harris/Klebold from Columbine is amazing.
Yep we do need Bun controls, no fat buns !

You could well be right Damo. Your method would feed on paranoia and such emotions which has worked well in recent years.
We might finally get restrictions on selling guns to mentally ill people.