My Prediction


Worst gambler ever
In 2-3 years, Mike Huckabee will be a $200 question on Jeopardy. He may have done okay with the radical evangelicals thus far, but after 8 years of W, who bases his foreign policy on the old testament, the Religious fanatic stamp is akin to a scarlet letter for most americans.

In 2-3 years, Ron Paul will be the leader of the Globalist Noahide Illuminati World Government.
In 2-3 years, Mike Huckabee will be a $200 question on Jeopardy. He may have done okay with the radical evangelicals thus far, but after 8 years of W, who bases his foreign policy on the old testament, the Religious fanatic stamp is akin to a scarlet letter for most americans.

In 2-3 years, Ron Paul will be the leader of the Globalist Noahide Illuminati World Government.

I think I may have over estimated Huckster's electability. He's really dumb as a rock. A Dixie, with a little more affability, if you will.
I think I may have over estimated Huckster's electability. He's really dumb as a rock. A Dixie, with a little more affability, if you will.

He'll go the way of Tsongas after this. But even as uninformed as Huckabee is, I'll be he knows what 1/3 means.
He'll go the way of Tsongas after this. But even as uninformed as Huckabee is, I'll be he knows what 1/3 means.

You should remember what happened in S carolina in 2000. I wouldn't write Huckabee off until after S Carolina.
Yeah, there are an awful lot of stupid people out there. I guess I shouldn't write him off entirely, but I can't see this guy going anywhere.
Yeah, there are an awful lot of stupid people out there. I guess I shouldn't write him off entirely, but I can't see this guy going anywhere.

If history is any guide, the GOP establishment and their money men are going to bury the huckster -- If Huckster is deemed any kind of threat, the shit they did to McCain in the 2000 primaries, and the Swift boat stuff on kerry is going to look like child's play.

The GOP has used theocratic rubes for votes, but they have no intention of sharing actual power with them. If Huckster does well in New Hampshire and South carolina, you're going to see the nastiest smear in electoral history unfold. IMO anyway.
If history is any guide, the GOP establishment and their money men are going to bury the huckster -- If Huckster is deemed any kind of threat, the shit they did to McCain in the 2000 primaries, and the Swift boat stuff on kerry is going to look like child's play.

The GOP has used theocratic rubes for votes, but they have no intention of sharing actual power with them. If Huckster does well in New Hampshire and South carolina, you're going to see the nastiest smear in electoral history unfold. IMO anyway.

Or the biggest buyout in history.

The neocons bought MaCain they can buy Gomer Pile too....opppss I mean Huckabee.
Or the biggest buyout in history.

The neocons bought MaCain they can buy Gomer Pile too....opppss I mean Huckabee.

If you can't spell a politician's name, you probably shouldn't be talking about politics as if your opinion carries any weight....might be a little above your reading level.
If you think Jack Idema is superbad, you probably shouldn't be talking about politics as if your opinion carries any weight....
If you think Jack Idema is superbad, you probably shouldn't be talking about politics as if your opinion carries any weight....

I think Jack Idema is superbad the same way that millions of internet users actually think that Chuck Norris can divide by zero....the way he is often represented and represents himself lends itself to comedic idolisation, and I am sorry that my profile picture causes so much harm to you (considering this is the third or so time that you have brought it up, as if it is relevant...I'm sorry that not all of us are 400 pound islanders with a photogenic streak).
I think Jack Idema is superbad the same way that millions of internet users actually think that Chuck Norris can divide by zero....the way he is often represented and represents himself lends itself to comedic idolisation, and I am sorry that my profile picture causes so much harm to you (considering this is the third or so time that you have brought it up, as if it is relevant...I'm sorry that not all of us are 400 pound islanders with a photogenic streak).

Why you gotta bring my obesity problem into this?
In 2-3 years, Mike Huckabee will be a $200 question on Jeopardy. He may have done okay with the radical evangelicals thus far, but after 8 years of W, who bases his foreign policy on the old testament, the Religious fanatic stamp is akin to a scarlet letter for most americans.

In 2-3 years, Ron Paul will be the leader of the Globalist Noahide Illuminati World Government.
World President? Hmmm... So much more than expected.
Yeah, there are an awful lot of stupid people out there. I guess I shouldn't write him off entirely, but I can't see this guy going anywhere.
There are a little more than 50 million stupid people in the US that voted for Bush last time. What makes you think they won't vote for this born again bathed in the blood evangelical that thinks it is the governments business to save your soul. Evangelicals want a government that works to eradicate "sin". Silence the queers, pretend kids don't have sex, just say no to anything sinful and use the overbearing and crushing power of the federal government to do it. That in a nutshell is evangelical republican party politics.
Beefy you is da handsomest lookin bruddah on the board and don't let no one tell you otherwise!

Thanks pal. I get off the oxygen in a month if I can get under 500.

