My predictions about Tuesday evening


Classical Liberal
If it’s close and Trump is leading we won’t know the final result for at least a month , possibly two months while the votes are still being tallied.
If it’s close and Harris is leading we will know the final result within a week.
If Harris loses by any margin there will be recounts in several states (same as Hillary) and antifa/ BLM riots burn cities to the ground while the mayors do nothing.
If Harris wins , MAGA’s will cry it was rigged once again.
Fulton County, GA will ‘reportedly’ have 90 - 95% of the vote for Harris.
Same with Orleans Parish, LA.

You heard it here first.
The plan was to announce numbers that have MAGA firmly rejected by the that this wont happen because it requires too much rigging which is counter productive I expect the call of the Harris win to be made on the 6th.

As much as still possible the Regime dont want this to look close....this cant go on for days.
The 2020 election was a con, and they have had four years to perfect the con....certainly they should have everything in order on the 6th.