My repsonse to the LOW IQ Dumb laywer because he is a coward and a cunt

Truth Detector

Well-known member
Once again I have to teach you people about Investigations...

First off; a clueless dishonest moron like yourself couldn't teach anyone anything because you have nothing to begin with.

You idiot Rumppers keep screaming that if Mueller does not come up with Presidential Collusion he should be punished.

Strawman claim; no one is screaming and no one has said Mueller should be punished. I do wish you could stop lying. But you are a leftist who follows an ideology built on lies and can't seem to help yourself.

Secondly, it is ironic that you cannot see that YOU are the moron and idiot, not those you dislike or politically disagree with.

Do you not understand how investigations work? Do you understand the point of Criminal Investigations?

We understand perfectly; what we are trying to understand is how morons like you still don't know.

Do you know that the Government can INVESTIGATE anyone for any reason?

So if we do not like someone who wins and election, the Government can engage in fishing expeditions to find some kind of crime or guilt without cause?

Bullshit you ignoramus; we do not live in a Fascistic Third world shithole where losers can engage in such conduct without cause. Moron.

Now before you go insane throwing out words like Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause.... It is true that for some investigatory tools, like a search warrant, there are standards the Government must prove... but short of using those tools they are still allowed to investigate.

Wrong; one must first have CAUSE you willful idiot. The Government doesn't run around investigating anyone they don't like without cause simply because they don't like someone or disagree with their politics. How fucking stupid are you? That was rhetorical.


Yes, liberals are. Dumb fuck.