My Response To Doug Ford's Correspondence Team Over A Factually Proven Foundation Of

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
My Response To Doug Ford's Correspondence Team Over A Factually Proven Foundation Of LGBT Lies Forced On Innocent Children

(Before we get to the following which I just finished sharing with about a thousand Canadian Premiers, Senators, Ministers, MPP's MLA's, MP's etc. Doug Ford is the Premier of My province of Ontario. His office responded the included to me a few days ago and today I find out that they included a factually proven foundation of LGBT lies in our school curriculum so of course such inexcusable behavior infuriated me and so I wrote his office, and shared my response with officials across Canada):

Sure, these sickos like this JP in BC are silencing parents (Threatening such lies as inappropriately using terms like violence for not lying for the LGBT, calling parents standing against such disgusting filthy LGBT lies as family violence. Words are not violence.) thus are clearly working towards more of our children being butchered under the knife over factually exposed LGBT lies. This JP's ruling says your child is going to get butchered over your child being brainwashed by LGBT lies and them choosing to get surgical mutilation will be entirely without your interference as a parent no matter how much you care about your own children and there is not anything you can do about it otherwise you will be charged false term and lie in this instance of "family violence" of which is lying because it claims family violence over words, and more specifically not lying for the LGBT is yet another obvious lie because again words are not violence. Even talking about violence is not violence.

So why did you just waste Ontario tax dollars on encouraging factually exposed LGBT lies and deceptions in schools which lead to parents being silenced as children are butchered over a factually exposed foundation of lies?!! I heard you gave parents the option to remove their children from such garbage Doug Ford but you are still wasting tax payers dollars on promoting a factually proven foundation of lies which is is still way over the line.

Here I am attempting to figure out if you are a globalist crime organization sock puppet and when I see rhetoric like this, what do you think it tells me Doug Ford?


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

I was going to address something else big today but having read the sick news today, I had too lay into this.

I removed all email addresses from the following of which reveals Doug Ford's teams response and what I wrote that they were responding too:

From: Ford, Doug <>
Sent: March 14, 2019 2:19 PM
To: David Jeffrey Spetch
Subject: RE: Canadian government carving your children while attempting to silence you from speaking out against such sick, filthy disgusting and inexcusable behavior

Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.

You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, reviewed and taken into consideration.

There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a response may take several business days.

Thanks again for your email.

Correspondence Team

From: David Jeffrey Spetch []
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 2:26 PM
Subject: Canadian government carving your children while attempting to silence you from speaking out against such sick, filthy disgusting and inexcusable behavior

Canadian government carving your children while attempting to silence you from speaking out against such sick, filthy disgusting and inexcusable behavior

Canadian 14 year old butchered as parents silenced by Canadian governing system! Way over the line!

Canadian children butchered under knife by leftists while leftist lies are rammed through law to force Canadians to lie for leftist scum instead of protect children

Some sickly leftist pieces of garbage want to carve your children and silence you from speaking out against such sick, filthy disgusting and inexcusable behavior.

And I, Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist David Jeffrey Spetch finds this out a week later, not from Canadian main stream media but from Liz Wheeler of USA's OAN Tipping Point?!!

Our government shits on us Canada and our political parties are in on it!!!

I fought them all on these issues every step of the way with facts exposing their lies and deceptions on the foundation of hir every issue I address for the past decade and a half, I get banned, slandered and silenced while our officials turn their backs on Canadians and democracy to force the agenda of sickly globalist low life scum and their leftist sock puppets such as liberals, democrats here in North America along with the phony pile of garbage known as the LGBT.

The rainbow, a symbol of butchering your children under the guise of factually exposed foundations of LGBT lies.

I haven't done this for years for not anything Canada and world:

The LGBT obviously and deliberately pretend to ignore the fact that what determines anyones sex / gender for life is what genital that they are born with. They instead claim the obvious lie that it is how one feels that determines a persons sex / gender while a the same time they claim to identify with the genuine thing which is them acknowledging the fact that they are fully aware that it is only what genital that a person is born with that determines anyones sex / gender for life. They attempt to force their factually exposed lies on everyone anyway because they do not want to accept themselves for what they are and seem to think everyone else should have to lie for them so they can go around robbing everyone else of what we are with their already factually exposed LGBT lies and deceptions.

It's time to remove such filthy garbage from our legislation and court systems immediately asap! There is no excuse for this disgusting filth to be taking place in Canada, this is more proof of tyrannical governing!

Your children are being put under the knife while laws are being passed based upon factually exposed foundations of leftist lunatic lies to try and silence Canadians from speaking out against such sick behavior while our media remains silent! How does it feel to be treated like globalist toilet paper Canada?!!

The LGBT abuse society 101.jpg


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada