My role model and hero


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The man is my hero a kind gentle man with family and friends who will do what he has to to cre for those he loves , but one man nasty vicious man in real life.

I Am gentle with my family and friends its the right thing for a man to do. But those who would hurt them or me or piss me off I am a mean nasty vicious brutal sob . I just wish I was half the man Haku was. Hes works in a Toyota deanship here in central Florida . great guy hes also one og the bullet club leaders here in Florida.
Sam for you guano the great coward and fat white man ass kissing uncle tom . you going to comment or just sit there like a idiot w ok th that same I just fucked the neighbors cat look on your face .
Whos your hero james little george floyd duck ?

The man is my hero a kind gentle man with family and friends who will do what he has to to cre for those he loves , but one man nasty vicious man in real life.

I Am gentle with my family and friends its the right thing for a man to do. But those who would hurt them or me or piss me off I am a mean nasty vicious brutal sob . I just wish I was half the man Haku was. Hes works in a Toyota deanship here in central Florida . great guy hes also one og the bullet club leaders here in Florida.
Bullet Bob is NOTHING like the Rock. The Rock, for example, knows how to spell cat.


The Rock is also wealthy, a college graduate, started a foundation to help kids with cancer, and voted for Obama. IOW, he is everything Blob will never, ever be.

The man is my hero a kind gentle man with family and friends who will do what he has to to cre for those he loves , but one man nasty vicious man in real life.

I Am gentle with my family and friends its the right thing for a man to do. But those who would hurt them or me or piss me off I am a mean nasty vicious brutal sob . I just wish I was half the man Haku was. Hes works in a Toyota deanship here in central Florida . great guy hes also one og the bullet club leaders here in Florida.

You know wrestling is fake, right? :eek:

They are big dudes and it is athletic.

We knew a lot of the moves in High School. We'd go into like.. The Little General and put on a show then buy drinks and leave.

Bodyslam, piledriver, backbreaker, chest slam. We'd do it! You whisper the move when jumping up or the other whispers it to you what the next move is.

"Okay, let's do a bodyslam to a 2-count"

I knew how to do a real sleeper hold before high school. It's a fight stopper.
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Well its fake but not fake matt.
But that's not the point . if you look ln to back round you will find he earned his reputation not in the ring but out of it. Mostly in bars hes bitten mensc noses off chunks out of thier backs beat up as many as. 7 men at one time in bar fights He was hand cuffed one time and broke the cuffs the cops put on him . Nothing fake about him.

The Rock is also wealthy, a college graduate, started a foundation to help kids with cancer, and voted for Obama. IOW, he is everything Blob will never, ever be.

Well, yes, but the fact that he's literate and can spell three letter words leaves the rest of that moot. The Rock would call Bullet Bob a knuckledragging moron. And he'd be right.