My 'secret admmire'...


Staff member
My 7 year old...

She did a ding-dong ditch on me today. I found a basket of candy and a small bear that I got with something in Britain on my honeymoon, it has a flag on it's lapel...

Anyway, it came with a note that says:

To: "Damocles"

From: Your secret admmire

Hellow Damo I love the way <Damo's Daughter's name> was acting at school Yesterday!

(I think she put her name in to throw me off the track.)

I've been grinning all evening....

Got to love that age. Congrats, couldn't have a better admirer. I'd put that note under glass.
I didn't know that your actual name was damocles. O_o
LOL. I accidentally posted this with my real name the first time. I had to go and fix it. Most people know it, and it has been public, but heck... It's best to keep it constant...
Got to love that age. Congrats, couldn't have a better admirer. I'd put that note under glass.
Oh yes.

I've been writing a letter a year to each of my daughters. At graduation from College I will give them all of them at once.

I'll be keeping this stuff to show to them at that time.

I am so going to hate the teen years when I suddenly become the stupidest man on the planet who is totally incapable of understanding the "complexity" of teen life.
Oh yes.

I've been writing a letter a year to each of my daughters. At graduation from College I will give them all of them at once.

I'll be keeping this stuff to show to them at that time.

I am so going to hate the teen years when I suddenly become the stupidest man on the planet who is totally incapable of understanding the "complexity" of teen life.

I did the same. We got laughed at the first 8 years of my boys' cards and letters. For some reason the older one started signing with his first and last names, like I didn't know which Bryan was sending me love. LOL! He taught his younger brother to do the same. For some reason my daughter didn't go along, she's a girl, there IS only ONE Kendall. ;)
Oh yes.

I've been writing a letter a year to each of my daughters. At graduation from College I will give them all of them at once.

I'll be keeping this stuff to show to them at that time.

I am so going to hate the teen years when I suddenly become the stupidest man on the planet who is totally incapable of understanding the "complexity" of teen life.

What a great Dad you are. Keep being completely honest with them and those years will be much better. I would tell my son when we would get into it that the ONLY reason I ever give him advice or directions was because my aim was to teach him how to be a decent and happy person. I would also mention that yes I did not know everything But that I Had been his age before and that he had Never been my age before. That in itself gave me some experience he had not had yet. Be humble with them. And allow them to make some mistakes so they can see the repercussions. Let them convince you once in awhile to trust them to do something you have objection to at first. Then if they screw it up you can mention it the next time (very humblely) . Sometimes you can convey alot without actually mentioning it. You can gain their respect sometimes by not harping on every mistake they have made and just saying something like "I want to trust you on this one but Im having a tough time getting there". I found my best results by trying as hard as hell to treat my son as a intellectual equal.

Just remembering that they MUST knock you down some peggs in their own mind to become their own master helps you survive it. One good line I heard helps keep it in perspective "dont take it personally". Its more about them than it is about you.

My son once told me in anger that all of his problems were my fault. I told him I was sorry and that I had really tried not to pass on to him any of my own flaws and that I was sorry that I failed but that I had really tried my best to do my best by him. It took all the steam our of the anger. He emotionally had wanted me to attack back and deny I made any mistakes.
He felt bad and the next day said he was sorry and that I had done a decent job and he was just angry at life.

The more you treat them like rational people they more they will respond like rational people.

Enjoy every year with them as much as you can.