my third denial of service attack since November.....


fully immersed in faith..
so I hooked up to AT&T fiber optic last fall.......when they came out to install it they discovered that the underground line installed last summer was not working......they ran 400 above ground to provide service.......three times since then squirrels have chewed through the line......two weeks ago they put a new underground line in.....guess didn't work on schedule for third install but at least they came out and replaced the above ground line again.......I asked them if they would please not use the acorn flavored line this time......
so I hooked up to AT&T fiber optic last fall.......when they came out to install it they discovered that the underground line installed last summer was not working......they ran 400 above ground to provide service.......three times since then squirrels have chewed through the line......two weeks ago they put a new underground line in.....guess didn't work on schedule for third install but at least they came out and replaced the above ground line again.......I asked them if they would please not use the acorn flavored line this time......

Unionized installer?