APP - NAACP poll has bad news for the democrat party

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

In an August 7th poll conducted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, they found that 21% of blacks approve of the job President Trump is doing and 35% of hispanics approve of the job President Trump is doing.

While President Trump is underwater with these demographic groups, when one considers that President Trump only received 8% of the black vote in 2016 and 29% of the hispanic vote in 2016 this is a very big shift and could spell big time trouble for the democrat party.

Does this mean that these people will vote republican tomorrow? Maybe not, but their satisfaction could lead them to stay home on election day.

If 21% of blacks voted for Trump instead of a democrat in 2020, the democrat would have ZERO chance of winning the election. That is right. ZERO chance.

Stay tuned

In an August 7th poll conducted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, they found that 21% of blacks approve of the job President Trump is doing and 35% of hispanics approve of the job President Trump is doing.

While President Trump is underwater with these demographic groups, when one considers that President Trump only received 8% of the black vote in 2016 and 29% of the hispanic vote in 2016 this is a very big shift and could spell big time trouble for the democrat party.

Does this mean that these people will vote republican tomorrow? Maybe not, but their satisfaction could lead them to stay home on election day.

If 21% of blacks voted for Trump instead of a democrat in 2020, the democrat would have ZERO chance of winning the election. That is right. ZERO chance.

Stay tuned

Any one poll can be skewed Brother Legion, but trends can be seen

In 2016 I was looking at the same polls as everyone else, but unlike them I correctly called the election

I have seen enough polls showing Trumps approval amongst blacks increasing that I see a trend

Will it translate to votes in the midterms? Can’t say
Any one poll can be skewed Brother Legion, but trends can be seen

In 2016 I was looking at the same polls as everyone else, but unlike them I correctly called the election

I have seen enough polls showing Trumps approval amongst blacks increasing that I see a trend

Will it translate to votes in the midterms? Can’t say

I mistrust polls, Comrade D.