Nader takes on and sues corrupt, power hungry Democrat party


WASHINGTON (AP) - Consumer advocate and 2004 independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader sued the Democratic Party on Tuesday, contending officials conspired to keep him from taking votes away from nominee John Kerry.
Nader's lawsuit, filed in District of Columbia Superior Court, also named as co-defendants Kerry's campaign, the Service Employees International Union and several so-called 527 organizations such as America Coming Together, which were created to promote voter turnout on behalf of the Democratic ticket.

The lawsuit also alleges that the Democratic National Committee conspired to force Nader off the ballot in several states.

"The Democratic Party is going after anyone who presents a credible challenge to their monopoly over their perceived voters," Nader said in a statement. "This lawsuit was filed to help advance a free and open electoral process for all candidates and voters. Candidate rights and voter rights nourish each other for more voices, choices, and a more open and competitive democracy."

Among other things, the lawsuit alleges that the DNC tried to bankrupt Nader's campaign by suing to keep him off the ballot in 18 states. It also suggests the DNC sent Kerry supporters to crash a Nader petition drive in Portland, Ore., in June 2004, preventing him from collecting enough signatures to get on the ballot.

The lawsuit seeks "compensatory damages, punitive damages and injunctive relief to enjoin the defendants from ongoing and future violations of the law." It was not clear how much money Nader is seeking; his attorney, Bruce Afran, did not immediately return a telephone call seeking comment.

A DNC spokesman also did not immediately return a telephone call for comment.
I hope Nader wins, although I know he won't.

Somebody, anybody needs to crack the two-party monopoly on American politics.

Does the Democratic Party conspire to keep third-parties off the ballot?

Absolutely and without question they do.

Is that good for America and the American people?

Hell no it isn't.

I just wish Nader had done this sooner.
I hope Nader wins, although I know he won't.

Somebody, anybody needs to crack the two-party monopoly on American politics.

Does the Democratic Party conspire to keep third-parties off the ballot?

Absolutely and without question they do.

Is that good for America and the American people?

Hell no it isn't.

I just wish Nader had done this sooner.

Agreed. Any chink anyone can make in the armor of the 2 party system is a victory.

Whether they're a Libertarian, Green, or Socialist.
You’re such a good guy Dano. It’s always touching to see your concern for the little guy…your never-ending crusade for righteousness.
Well the result was the same, 4 more years of Bush....

Too bad Gore didn't run a good campaign.

Too bad Gore didn't win his own home state.

Too bad Gore wasn't smarter than picking Lieberman.

Too bad Gore didn't have the courage to fight for Florida.

Too bad Gore ran away from the most popular President in American history and his successful track record. Gore was virtually handed the presidency by Bill Clinton and he still managed to fuck it up.

Too bad .. so sad .. but unless Nader was running Gore's campaign, Gore's loss had nothing to do with Nader.

Who told you that people like myself who voted for Nader would have voted for Gore if Nader wasn't running? The reason people didn't vote for Gore was because they didn't want to.

Are you blaming people who voted for Bush for Gore's loss?

How about those who didn't vote at all?

How about Libertarians and Constitutionalists. Are they at fault for Gore's loss as well?

How about the concept of EARNING the vote instead of expecting it .. which is something democrats do a lot.
All valid points BAC, Do you think I am a Demoncratic party cheerleader or something ? I think all current political parties suck.
The question remains though, would Kerry have won if Nader had not entered ?

maybe not, but it did not help the dems at all.
You’re such a good guy Dano. It’s always touching to see your concern for the little guy…your never-ending crusade for righteousness.

Oh boohoo, is BAC or Nader ruining your day with their honesty?
Face it this is your party and in this instance at least I am just the messenger. It's not like Nader or BAC is making up any shit here. I haven't seen one comment here that isn't true.
All valid points BAC, Do you think I am a Demoncratic party cheerleader or something ? I think all current political parties suck.
The question remains though, would Kerry have won if Nader had not entered ?

maybe not, but it did not help the dems at all.

It was not Nader's mission, goal, or job to help the Democratic Party. Why should he, he's not a democrat.

Gore was handed the election and he fucked it up.

One of the truest things Nader has ever said was, "Al Gore thinks he's entitled to your votes. Al Gore thinks that we are suppose to be helping him get elected. I have got news for Al Gore, if he can't beat the bumbling Texas governor with that terrible record, he ought to go back to Tennessee to his tobacco farm."

I wouldn't have voted for God if he had Joe Lieberman as his running mate.
Oh boohoo, is BAC or Nader ruining your day with their honesty?
Face it this is your party and in this instance at least I am just the messenger. It's not like Nader or BAC is making up any shit here. I haven't seen one comment here that isn't true.

I find your faux outrage almost as humorous as your faux crusading for Nadar.
I can’t write it any plainer than that. Anything else you get out of it? Is reflective of what you put into it, not me.
I find your faux outrage almost as humorous as your faux crusading for Nadar.
I can’t write it any plainer than that. Anything else you get out of it? Is reflective of what you put into it, not me.
I'm not crusading for Nader, anymore than I am outraged. I am glad that he is taking it to the Dem party, because no party should be allowed to sue to stop anyone from running on the ballot. That's the most undemocratic thing that can be done.
Too bad Gore didn't run a good campaign.

Too bad Gore didn't win his own home state.

Too bad Gore wasn't smarter than picking Lieberman.

Too bad Gore didn't have the courage to fight for Florida.

Too bad Gore ran away from the most popular President in American history and his successful track record. Gore was virtually handed the presidency by Bill Clinton and he still managed to fuck it up.

Too bad .. so sad .. but unless Nader was running Gore's campaign, Gore's loss had nothing to do with Nader.

Who told you that people like myself who voted for Nader would have voted for Gore if Nader wasn't running? The reason people didn't vote for Gore was because they didn't want to.

Are you blaming people who voted for Bush for Gore's loss?

How about those who didn't vote at all?

How about Libertarians and Constitutionalists. Are they at fault for Gore's loss as well?

How about the concept of EARNING the vote instead of expecting it .. which is something democrats do a lot.

Gores campaign was fine and he won the election. The Rs cheated their asses off and Nader helped them. He did not do it on purpose but he did help them. If they truely did anything illegal I hope he wins his case. GORE WON THE ELECTION.