Name a dealbreaker that cause you to dislike/never vote for a politician...


New member
I dont like John Edwards but obviously I would vote for him over a John McCain or a Mitt Romney...

So besides voting for somebody due to lesser of 2 evils thing...

Can you guys name the politicians who you would not vote for under normal/extreme circumstances and name the 1 issue that caused it...Aka politicians that you could POTENTIALLY vote for EXCEPT for the fact of this one issue...

John Edwards = the way he pussied out on challenging Dick Cheney and George W in 2004 campaign

Hillary Clinton = voted for the War

John McCain = pandering to religious conservatives after he denouces them in 2000

Mike Huckabee = Injecting religion into government

This is not to say I would vote for ala Fred Thompson or anybody else....This is more to say like if there was a politician who you would consider voting for IF they didnt have this one issue or stance...

Interesting question...

Someone like Mitt Romney who once denounced Ronald Reagan, supported abortion, illegal immigration, raising 'fees' or taxes, and tries to paint themselves as a Hard right Republican. lol.

Dishonesty does it for me.
Someone like Mitt Romney who once denounced Ronald Reagan, supported abortion, illegal immigration, raising 'fees' or taxes, and tries to paint themselves as a Hard right Republican. lol.

Dishonesty does it for me.

Please, WRL. You graciously accept McCain's bullshit and ask for more.

As for me, in a primary I will refuse to vote for any Democrat that voted for the Bankruptcy Bill in 2005.
I dont like John Edwards but obviously I would vote for him over a John McCain or a Mitt Romney...

So besides voting for somebody due to lesser of 2 evils thing...

Can you guys name the politicians who you would not vote for under normal/extreme circumstances and name the 1 issue that caused it...Aka politicians that you could POTENTIALLY vote for EXCEPT for the fact of this one issue...

John Edwards = the way he pussied out on challenging Dick Cheney and George W in 2004 campaign

Hillary Clinton = voted for the War

John McCain = pandering to religious conservatives after he denouces them in 2000

Mike Huckabee = Injecting religion into government

This is not to say I would vote for ala Fred Thompson or anybody else....This is more to say like if there was a politician who you would consider voting for IF they didnt have this one issue or stance...

Interesting question...


Hey cracker, you can't vote period. Stay black partna....
If their last name is on this list:

A few more:

If they are now, or have ever been, part of the KKK.

If they have ever abandoned, drunk or not, a girl in a car they just drove into a lake.
If Obama barely defeated Hillary in the delagates war and Clinton convinced the officials to count the Florida delagates, then I will vote for McCain!