Name This Congress

red states rule

New member
Given all the comic relief the Democrat Congress has given the country - I feel it is only rigth we show them all the respect they deserve

Please fell free to jump in and cast your vote
The choices I have are

do nothing congress

pelosies possee

We really pay these people for this

the skillery scare that failed

Any other choices?
LOL and the Dems have how much of a majority ?

Are you speaking of the remenants of the Bush congress ?

Lets see, the promises the Dems have broken so far

they promised not to raise taxes

they promised to stand up to terrorosts

they promised they would not try to cut and run from Iraq

they promied they would work with Republicans

they promised they would reduce pork

they promised they would "drain the swamp" of corruption

they promised they would reduce Congressional travel at taxpayer expense

well they are 0- 7 and keep the books open

No wonder their approval numbers are in the toilet
Mmmmn, from a Republican party that brought the world George W (Clusterfuck) Bush and the Iraq debacle? ha ha ha
Dems lied to get elected

ROTFLMAO, And how do you think Bush got elected and re-elected ?
Must have been all that truthful stuff about not wanting America to be the police force of the world and not being into nation building.
Dems lied to get elected

ROTFLMAO, And how do you think Bush got elected and re-elected ?
Must have been all that truthful stuff about not wanting America to be the police force of the world and not being into nation building.

Pres Bush stood by what he said

Kerry flip flopped on every issue

Dems lied and the poll numbers show the voters and their kook base are not happy
Bush stood by what he said ?

You are delusional and in bad need of professional help. Please go get help.
Pres Bush stood by what he said

Kerry flip flopped on every issue

Dems lied and the poll numbers show the voters and their kook base are not happy

first he stayed the he is charting a bold new course.

"stood by what he said"????


And Bush still has no course, of course.

and what does the opposition have to offer...other than diatribes?..Hey I don't hate GW...he was a 'Cheerleader' in HS and College...he was the 'Smart' one..I on the other hand was the 'Football and track player' I got all 'sweaty'...GW hung with the really cute the bus and beyond...while I did the dirty work...all is relevant...don't ya think???
I was too poor to be a smart one.

This is Bush and his supporters war, they made the mess now they need to clean it up.
Unless they are like spoiled brats that don't think they have to clean up after themselves ?
Dems are in trouble - changing the subject will not help

Let's examine that assertion:

CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. May 4-6, 2007. N=1,028 adults nationwide.

"Do you think it is good for the country or bad for the country that the Democratic party is in control of Congress?" Half sample, MoE ± 4.5

Good 51
Bad 37
Neither (vol.) 9
Unsure 3

Harris Poll shows job approval rating for congressional democrats 13% HIGHER than for congressional republicans.

Quinnipiac Poll shows 57% of Americans supported the democrat's funding bill and were PISSED when congress voted to sustain Bush's veto of that bill - no WONDER they are pissed at republicans in Congress!
Let's examine that assertion:

CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. May 4-6, 2007. N=1,028 adults nationwide.

"Do you think it is good for the country or bad for the country that the Democratic party is in control of Congress?" Half sample, MoE ± 4.5

Good 51
Bad 37
Neither (vol.) 9
Unsure 3

Harris Poll shows job approval rating for congressional democrats 13% HIGHER than for congressional republicans.

Quinnipiac Poll shows 57% of Americans supported the democrat's funding bill and were PISSED when congress voted to sustain Bush's veto of that bill - no WONDER they are pissed at republicans in Congress!

BY all means MM - keep going with older polls and ignore the more recent ones

Also, ignore the downward trend of your party

You are depressed enough to see your base pissed off and you do not need anymore stress