Naming and Shaming Trump’s Big Donors Is Fair Game

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
If you're shining a light on bullies and their enablers, you're encouraging political participation.

It's all from public records

If the San Antonio Express-News were to do a story on prominent local Trump supporters, would the journalists have included the names on Castro’s list? If so, he did nothing wrong. If not, he probably erred to some extent. I live in San Antonio and recognized some of the names, but not all of them, which puts me, as I said at the top, right in the mushy middle. Politicians shouldn’t bully the powerless – but if the powerful participate in politics, then they are taking public action and can quite fairly be criticized.
if so, I'm sure you have no problem with publishing your name and address here.......its in public records somewhere, right?......
If you're shining a light on bullies and their enablers, you're encouraging political participation.

It's all from public records

If the San Antonio Express-News were to do a story on prominent local Trump supporters, would the journalists have included the names on Castro’s list? If so, he did nothing wrong. If not, he probably erred to some extent. I live in San Antonio and recognized some of the names, but not all of them, which puts me, as I said at the top, right in the mushy middle. Politicians shouldn’t bully the powerless – but if the powerful participate in politics, then they are taking public action and can quite fairly be criticized.
And didn't Trump promise that he was going to fund his own campaign? Why spend any of his own money, if he's got all these suckers giving him money? More of the pure greed that's a Trump trademark. And which his cultists admire.

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Well, until it stops, I guess naming all of the lowlifes pathetic enough to donate to America's one-time failed secessionist party, and everyday stain on our national fabric, is fair game?

A few reads for the intelligent American. Right wing tools and sycophants, Breitbart and Fox are there for you and under the bed or in a closet too.

"Why is America living in an age of profound economic inequality? Why, despite the desperate need to address climate change, have even modest environmental efforts been defeated again and again? Why have protections for employees been decimated? Why do hedge-fund billionaires pay a far lower tax rate than middle-class workers?"
The American people should be able to find out who is using their money to influence our politicians. It is important for us to know.
Commie Castro likely violated federal law by specifically targeting white people.

He should be arrested and deported
The elections in America will benefit from shining a light on them and revealing the truth for all to see. Hiding the power of the rich does the opposite.
Throwing the light on all does the same for the Dems. For some reason, they do not fear it.
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