APP - Nancy is in REAL trouble

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

Her chance to quiet the crazies in her party was two years ago when these bogus investigations started. Now after two years, the base of her party are like those Japanese soldiers running around in the jungle in 1960 thinking that WWII is still going on. They refuse to accept that Mueller found no crimes that President Trump committed. But, her base believes it. They want Trump impeached.

As crazy and loony as she is Nancy is at least lucid enough to understand that impeachment would be a political loser for her and her party. It would be suicide. They would lose the House again, possibly end up with a filibuster proof Senate and Trump cruises to re-election.

But, how does she keep her base from turning on her and not showing up in 2020?

She is trying to thread this needle by walking up to the line accusing Trump of impeachable crimes but not actually going forward with it. She looks weak.

Will the party remove her for a more forceful voice on impeachment? I doubt it, but she has a real problem on her hands