APP - Nancy Pelosi is in the worst of all possible positions right now but.......

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Nancy is in a damned if she do damned if she don't position. If she forges ahead with an actual impeachment and not this fake impeachment she is telling leftists that is going on, Independent voters and Trump supporters will rally to the President because they see this for the farce that it is.

However, if she does not move forward with impeachment, she risks losing her base heading into 2020 as they will rightfully think "What the heck good is she?". The left has been ginning up their base for three years that President Trump is corrupt and that they are going to impeach him, but they really don't want to do it. It has been kabuki theater.

All of the antics are aimed at weak members of the US Senate. They are trying to find their Barry Goldwater who will try to force the President to resign to avoid a mess. That is what is going on right now. But, they are miscalculating. President Trump will wait them out. He will not resign. He will make them hold a vote. He will make them be accountable.

Now all of this is bad for Nancy, however she will come out of it on top. Because when this all blows up, and trust me like Muller, this will blow up. When this all blows up, Nancy will come out in full control of the democrat party and say "I TOLD YOU SO"

It will be over for the Jihad Squad and Shifty Schiff.
With all the nutbags in San Fran, she had to do it to save her own seat. You're right that this will go nowhere and she'll look like a fool, but to her constituents, she will have done something. That's what this is all about, really.

All the nutbags will say 'he's only the third prez to be impeached, and he's been disgraced', but to Trump and his supporters, that will only heighten his appeal.