Nancy’s Giggle


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Hillary Clinton is known for her cackle. Nancy Pelosi is known for her giggle.

To begin —— Elijah Cummings is the only member in the House that is dumber than John Lewis. Listen to that halfwit talk about “democracy”:

In the past year Democrats built their election strategy on “Our democracy is under attack.” Until Diarrhea Mouth came along not one Socialist ever said a word about the Republic America’s Founders created. Move the cursor to 6:40 and listen to Diarrhea Mouth’s attempt to blend democracy and Republic: “That is a Republic – a democracy.”


Pelosi never said the word SOVEREIGNTY. If I could stand Diarrhea Mouth’s inane giggle I would listen to the video a second time to see if I missed it the first time. In fact, I cannot name one ‘democracy-loving’ Democrat that ever defended this country’s independence. Pelosi even attacked President Trump because he defended sovereignty.

“The future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to patriots. The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations . . .”.

Pelosi’s interpretation of the Constitution had to originate in an excrement-filled brain. Her charge against President Trump pales beside the things the Chicago sewer rat did to the Constitution for eight years. Obviously, somebody at the Atlantic Festival forgot stop Shit-Mouth from making a fool of herself by telling her about the tens of millions of illegal campaign contributions Obama took from foreigners in 2008 and 2012, not to mention the millions of UNCONSTITUTIONAL illegal aliens the lying sack of shit brought in while every Democrat swamp creature applauded their spiritual leader’s betrayals.

NOTE: The godfather of spiritual leaders called sovereignty cruel:

Pope Francis calls Trump’s border policy ‘cruel,’ compares southern barriers to Berlin Wall
Brandon Sanchez May 29, 2019

Incidentally, most of the illegal aliens come here from Catholic countries in Central America. Instead of sending illegal aliens here for free stuff the Roman Catholic Church should support them in their homelands.

Our Founding Fathers scorned democracy; so it is ludicrous for Democrats to invoke democracy when they, and their television mouths, have been conspiring to abolish the U.S. Constitution by replacing it with their ideology. Adding salt to the wound they call democracy a Republic.

Let me close with a reminder of where this country would be today had Hillary Clinton’s Steele Dossier won the election for her:

Listen to then-First lady Hillary Clinton praising the old Socialist, Walter Cronkite, calling for this country to hand this country’s sovereignty to global government. Move the cursor to 7:45:

Excerpt from Uncle Walter’s acceptance speech:

It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government patterned after our own government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace.

First, Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order.
Giggles is the only one that knows which conspiracy Democrats began planning 10 seconds after this one went down in flames:

Ukraine call transcript shows Trump sought Biden probe, asked about DNC server – but made no mention of US aid
Alex Pappas
8-10 minutes


The topic of conspiracies always intrigued me, while Democrat conspiracies trying to impeach President Trump resurrected vaudeville. Lest I be misinterpreted in this thread let me revisit to my personal view of conspiracy theories.

I happen to love juicy conspiracy theories without subscribing to them. I enjoy them immensely because I take them for what they are —— opinions wrapped in fanciful tales about damnable deeds. Without kook conspiracy theories the only thing explaining questionable historical events are “facts” put forth by inmates in one or another questionable institution.

It is normal for a person to decry conspiracy theories whenever one hits too close to home. Much to my astonishment, a conspiracy theory takes on the noble quality of a just crusade whenever leading Socialists point their fingers shouting “Reprobates at the highest levels have conspired.” Encouraged by the morality conferred upon them by the electorate, they then accuse the scoundrels of conspiring to coverup the original conspiracy. My confusion always deepens whenever I ask myself the question best left unattended if one wishes to retain faith in representative government “How did reprobates get to the highest levels in the first place?”

The more I observe doings in the nation’s capital, the more I realize that those lusting after power imply conspiracy with every word spoken, while those holding power assume the pose of gentle souls incapable of contracting nefarious deeds —— preferring to clam up for fear a true word spoken in error will sully their majesty.

For those who are interested in the topic it is important to define the distinction between private citizens espousing a slippery conspiracy theory decades after the event went down, as in the JFK assassination, the FDR-Pearl Harbor Theory etc., and elected officials inventing a transgression before an intrigue had time to mature gracefully as in the Russian Collusion, and the Ukraine stories.

There is a quixotic charm inherent in private citizens accusing a fragment of their government of having done terrible things in the distant past, while a conspicuous, self-serving, crassness attaches itself to living, breathing, officeholders denouncing their own kind before the corpse has gone cold. The latter suggests cannibals at a feast.

Having established my ability to see the folly in advancing unprovable accusations, I will now attempt to turn the system on its head.

After carefully considering the possibility that Philistines will condemn me as a willing participant in a vast right-wing conspiracy, I accuse the people seeking power of engaging in numerous conspiracies designed to hornswoggle voters in the coming elections. As in all good conspiracies a coverup follows the original crime. Everything Democrat conspirators do is done to coverup the original conspiracy.

Finally, on one of those rare occasions the people representing my views hold political power. The people who never represent my views are now conspiring to steal the power.

I leave it to anybody reading this thread to decide how much of my interpretation of conspiracy theories is pure whopper?