APP - Nancy's only way out of her Schiff Show

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I an 100% convinced that Nancy Pelosi is desperately seeking a way out of voting for articles of impeachment. Nancy Pelosi cannot afford for this to go to the Senate where she loses complete control; where the rules of evidence apply and hearsay is no longer allowed. Remove hearsay and all of the democrat party witnesses disappear. Real witnesses will be called

Adam Schiff and his staff will be called to testify about their contacts with the so called whistleblowers and their Ukrainian contacts. All under oath
Hunter Biden will be called to testify about all of his gas and oil experience and all of his activities to earn his $50,000 a month salary. All under oath
Joe Biden may be called to discuss Ukraine policy while his son worked for Burisma. He may be called to testify about his public admission of getting a prosecutor removed to stop an investigation into a company of which his son sat on the BOD.

So how does Nancy keep this from going to the full Senate? Simple, she holds a vote for two things

1) She votes to censure the President. She may even peel off a few Republicans for this like Hurd.
2) She votes to have an Impeachment Investigation and they run back to Mueller and/or President Trump's taxes. She promises her base that they will keep up the investigations into Trump, but she couldn't in good conscience let the Senate acquit President Trump after all of the evidence that was presented in the House of Representatives.

Her left wing loons will eat it up like pablum. We will be treated to stories about how Censure is even worse for Trump than impeachment because the Senate can't make Censure go away and how it is so bad for Trump to go into the 2020 Election a Censured President blah blah blah blah

Now, I of course could be wrong. She may plow ahead with an impeachment vote, but it would heave devastating electoral consequences. Not only would it assure President Trump's reelection, but I believe it would flip the House of Representatives back to the Republicans and cement the US Senate.

Then Nancy Pelosi would have the distinction of being the first woman to win and lose the Speakership twice.
I an 100% convinced that Nancy Pelosi is desperately seeking a way out of voting for articles of impeachment. Nancy Pelosi cannot afford for this to go to the Senate where she loses complete control; where the rules of evidence apply and hearsay is no longer allowed. Remove hearsay and all of the democrat party witnesses disappear. Real witnesses will be called

Adam Schiff and his staff will be called to testify about their contacts with the so called whistleblowers and their Ukrainian contacts. All under oath
Hunter Biden will be called to testify about all of his gas and oil experience and all of his activities to earn his $50,000 a month salary. All under oath
Joe Biden may be called to discuss Ukraine policy while his son worked for Burisma. He may be called to testify about his public admission of getting a prosecutor removed to stop an investigation into a company of which his son sat on the BOD.

So how does Nancy keep this from going to the full Senate? Simple, she holds a vote for two things

1) She votes to censure the President. She may even peel off a few Republicans for this like Hurd.
2) She votes to have an Impeachment Investigation and they run back to Mueller and/or President Trump's taxes. She promises her base that they will keep up the investigations into Trump, but she couldn't in good conscience let the Senate acquit President Trump after all of the evidence that was presented in the House of Representatives.

Her left wing loons will eat it up like pablum. We will be treated to stories about how Censure is even worse for Trump than impeachment because the Senate can't make Censure go away and how it is so bad for Trump to go into the 2020 Election a Censured President blah blah blah blah

Now, I of course could be wrong. She may plow ahead with an impeachment vote, but it would heave devastating electoral consequences. Not only would it assure President Trump's reelection, but I believe it would flip the House of Representatives back to the Republicans and cement the US Senate.

Then Nancy Pelosi would have the distinction of being the first woman to win and lose the Speakership twice.

When SHTF, Nancy-pants will be wishing to Red Scarf herself...��