Nasa and pope conspiracy

Proof by topic suppression. I think its time to release nasa's dirty secret reguarding procreation in space. We cant. We cant gestate in space. Fetuses form inside out with tgeir organs on the outside of their mass. This and the toxic effects of space both prove the theory of evolution and murder the concept of long term space exploration. The nearest planet of equal conditions is over 100,000 years away and there's no hope of surviving even more than one generation. Atheists could use tge discovery to crush christianity and christianity could use it to crush nasa. Since everyone between them both like being a funding leech, this little discovery is left completely forgotten. Pope ponzi gets his bs charity cash and nasa gets its bahamas cash. Welcome to the real world.
Proof by topic suppression. I think its time to release nasa's dirty secret reguarding procreation in space. We cant. We cant gestate in space. Fetuses form inside out with tgeir organs on the outside of their mass. This and the toxic effects of space both prove the theory of evolution and murder the concept of long term space exploration. The nearest planet of equal conditions is over 100,000 years away and there's no hope of surviving even more than one generation. Atheists could use tge discovery to crush christianity and christianity could use it to crush nasa. Since everyone between them both like being a funding leech, this little discovery is left completely forgotten. Pope ponzi gets his bs charity cash and nasa gets its bahamas cash. Welcome to the real world.

I do not know that you are correct about not being able to reproduce in weightlessness. I seem to remember that there was an experiment that worked, but I could be wrong. If it is a problem, there is a simple solution. We could create artificial gravity by spinning a station or craft in space. That would allow reproduction.

I question the wisdom of space colonization, but I am a strong supporter of unmanned exploration.
Someone showed me a supposed article about some mice that survived with less than deadly mutations but thats about it.

Spinning station: or centrifugal force environment. Also has not been shown centrifugal force successfully substitutes gravity. Note, we're already under centrifugal force and in the opposite direction of gravity. Not only would you need to invent a way to recreate a planetary gravity but then you'd also need to put it in a centrifuge in the oposite direction again in order to recreate your necessary environment. Mars has a drastically lesser gravity. Venus would be a better choice in this regard however it has 100x more atmosphere and youd be crushed by it. Which btw, completely proves global warming is due to our atmoshere becoming more dense. Some nasa puke tried to assert earths atmosphere was at max capacity before checking that against venus stats. I could see a jetsons architecture goal on vinus but not much more. Mars is all the way out. Just a pointless waste.
We've had how many female astronauts in space now and we're just supposed to think all the men they went up with were eunuchs? How does anyone think we figured it out ~30 years ago? Btw, seems like 1998 they made the nonaggression pact with pope ponzi.
This fuckers insane folks

Fallacy folks. Whether or not im insane is a completely separate topic and completely unrelated to whether or not im right.

I suppose the real test would come from trying to get either of them to break their nonaggression pact.

The best way to do that is to point out a few recent tidbits of unsolicited propoganda concerning this topic and changing people's veiws.

Sifi has a huge space exploration segment. It is an incredibly popular concept. If people better understood how impractical it is, they'd lose focus on this whole genre. How long would they in tern continue to hide the irrifutable evidence that evolution created all life on earth. There's no plausible counter argument for how or why people cant gestate in space.

Why has this info been kept from you? Why have you heard before but just now and just right here.

I just told you a verifiable fact all your school teachers and/or professors could never tell you, and you'd suppose me insane? And anyway, what would me being insane say about anything except how much lower than an insane person you all must be.

Insanity is dismissing a very well founded conspiracy alarm by using an ad hom.