Navigating Social Groups


on indefiniate mod break
Hey guys real quick announcment.

Some people have complained that the new social group page is hard to navigate and check for updates.

If you want quick access to see what groups have updated, use the navbar at the top of the page,

Click Community
Click "View All Groups"

This will show you all the groups and which ones have been active recently.

I know this applies to the 4 other people that use social groups, but I thought you'd like to know.


- Mr. Grind
I have added a feature, if you are a member of any social groups, it will place at the bottom any new messages from social groups you are a member of. It is collapsible so if it is "too big" just collapse the box and open it only when you need it.
How do I join the Conservative Coalition?

There's no "Join Group" link as in other groups...