Nazi Songs

United States suffered more casualties than in any other battle in its history. Some 19,000 Americans were killed, 47,500 wounded and 23,000 reported missing.

Recalling the Battle of the Bulge
Victor Davis Hanson
Posted: Dec 24, 2019 12:01 AM

Back in the early 1960s I checked into a waterfront dive in Manila to see if any friends were in town on another ship. If my memory serves me right it was called the Shamrock and it was an inferno right out of a black & white movie from the 1930s. Happily, I ran into a few guys that I knew. In those days Manila was a port of call for a lot of break/bulk freighter. Containerships had not yet taken over.

Whenever two Germans get together it is not long before they start singing. Over in the corner there was a table with eight of ten Germans. My friends and I were at the bar laughing it up when the krauts began banging their beer bottles on the table when they broke into a song. I did not understand the words they were singing, but the melody stuck in my mind. Years later I saw:


As soon I heard actors singing this German WWII song I remembered that night in Manila.
