NAZIs are Universally Misunderstood


Well-known member
When the topic turns to NAZIs, everyone becomes a moron. Everyone forgets that Hitler was insane. Everyone forgets that NAZIs proselytized the superiority of Aryans.

I hear you saying "No, nobody is forgetting any of that" ... and then, without missing a beat you say to yourself "NAZI's obviously proselytized the superiority of caucasians."

Do you see what you did there? You swapped out "Aryans" and inserted "caucasians."

I hear you saying "Yeah, they're the same thing. It's what Hitler was."

Au contraire mon frère.

Hitler was insane. Allow me to repeat that. Hitler was insane. Aryans were Hindus, from the Indus Valley along the Sindhu (Indus) River (in what is now Pakistan and northwest India). I say "were" because they were a Bronze Age peoples. They migrated throughout southwest Asia. The Aryans were responsible for languages (and dialects) that we find today in Nepal, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Iran. They were deinitely NOT caucasian.

Anyway, Hitler was insane, I don't know if I mentioned that. Hitler was determined to have a rebirth of the Aryan civilization, and he was going to call it the Third Reich. To that end he took the symbol of the Hindu god of rebirth (i.e. symbol of Ganesh) and made that the symbol of the third Reich:



The bottom line is that Hitler was insane. He was trying to bring back the Aryans. That is what drove NAZI Germany.

Let's jump to the American Nazi Party headquartered in Arlington, Virginia and notice from thier website:

What We Stand For
Race: The union of all Aryans in North America.
Citizenship: We demand that only those of Aryan blood be allowed to become citizens of the state.

What are the odds that they realize that they are describing this:


So if you are going to call someone a NAZI ... first find out if he is a Muslim or a Hindu, then you can go from there.
'Aryan' was a popular term among late 19th century racial theorists such as H. S. Chamberlain. To them it meant European, specifically north European, and that's how the Nazis used it. They disagreed about the Slavs: Chamberlain rated them as 'Aryan', the Nazis didn't.

Hitler wasn't insane, except perhaps right at the end. If he had been clearly psychotic he wouldn't have made Reich Chancellor, and the world would have been spared a lot of trouble.

Or the krauts just have really poor judgement.