NBA Predictions?


So, who's gonna win it this year? Miami again?
I really think Dallas has what it takes if they can control the whining.
The Danold's teams: Cavaliers, Suns, Jazz

Please, no comments about college basketball being better, you may as well say that the minor leagues are better than the major leagues...
No college ball is not better, they both equally suck ;)
I predict that there will be winners and losers. And I will bet money on that.
So, who's gonna win it this year? Miami again?
I really think Dallas has what it takes if they can control the whining.
The Danold's teams: Cavaliers, Suns, Jazz

Please, no comments about college basketball being better, you may as well say that the minor leagues are better than the major leagues...

Competitive Sports are a good training ground for the major aspects of competitive capitalism. There is a reason that the liberal New York Times has the Sports pages at the end of the Business Section...They are both advocating the same value system...Competiton is Natural and Winning is everything...Neither of which is valid.
Competitive Sports are a good training ground for the major aspects of competitive capitalism. There is a reason that the liberal New York Times has the Sports pages at the end of the Business Section...They are both advocating the same value system...Competiton is Natural and Winning is everything...Neither of which is valid.
I don't get your final insinuation, do you view competition as a negative thing?
I didn't think you would; it was actually written for those who could...
Just wanted to make sure I didn't misunderstand you. Well if competition is not natural then explain how the basic premise of evolution is false?

Competition means ensuring the best that man or people or businesses or animals or teams or whatever rises to the top, it encourages all to give their best and live their best.

Here is one the deepest philosophical reasons I oppose Liberalism.

Throughout 4 billion years of history on earth, all life has existed and come to be what it is on one very basic principle, evolution.
Evolution defined as adapting to change to the challenges of your environment.

If you look at what Liberalism is, it is things like saying:
"You can't pay your own retirement, government will do it for you"
"You can't pay your own health care, government will do it for you"
"You can't pay your own education, government will do it for you"

Thus Liberalism or the government they promote by its very nature adapts the environment to fit the individual.
Liberalism does not ask or let the individual change, it steps in and changes the environment to fit the person.

Thus, by that definition, Liberalism runs counter to the very rule of evolution in life itself.
Liberalism runs against the very nature of life itself.

It is this one chief instinct, I believe, that often gets Conservatism mistaken as ignorance. A Conservative feels something wrong when Liberals propose to have government take over a responsibility. It just doesn't feel right and I believe that there is an instinct inside all of us that tries to repel us or caution us against the false comfort of having something else take responsibility for you.
I think Liberals feel that too, just they choose to ignore it and 'jump in' to letting government do things, in the comfort of avoiding competition.

Liberalism thus becomes a drug, wherein once you have chosen to ignore that instinct, there is no limit to what government can do. And you see that in the neverending march to 'free' healthcare, 'free' education,
'free' drugs bills and so on forever. It is a road that never ends, but has to someday with the ultimate creation of life, mankind reduced to nothing more than a being born into a life of dependance with government healthcare, daycare, education and retirement.
Where a being can live and die never feeling freedom and just total dependance, blissfully unaware of the government matrix that controls all stages of his life.

Tell me you can read that and still believe in Liberalism...
The Warriors will still suck, though they will be a bit better at it than last year. Montgomery had no experience with sucking and so didn't know what to do with a team that can only suck. They sucked ineptly therefore.

Now, Nellie knows how to suck. He's got sucking down. He may even know how to stop sucking, too, but that's a year or two down the road.

It's even possible that the team won't suck quite as often as the Kings. That will be a switch!
damn ... how did a simple sports thread based on such a simple time of the year question evovle with such political intensity? :)
damn ... how did a simple sports thread based on such a simple time of the year question evovle with such political intensity? :)
Dano's hate for liberals trumps all other concerns. It's pathological, in fact.

I almost hope that Hillary is elected president just so we can watch the meltdown. His head might explode though: that would be no fun.

Dano's hate for liberals trumps all other concerns. It's pathological, in fact.

I almost hope that Hillary is elected president just so we can watch the meltdown. His head might explode though: that would be no fun.

I think the reaction would be just as fun to Jeb Bush getting elected as Pres....

The Warriors will still suck, though they will be a bit better at it than last year. Montgomery had no experience with sucking and so didn't know what to do with a team that can only suck. They sucked ineptly therefore.

Now, Nellie knows how to suck. He's got sucking down. He may even know how to stop sucking, too, but that's a year or two down the road.

It's even possible that the team won't suck quite as often as the Kings. That will be a switch!
It really depends if the Baron can finally stay healthy. 2 years ago he was the MVP for the first month or 2 of the season.
The Warriors will still suck, though they will be a bit better at it than last year. Montgomery had no experience with sucking and so didn't know what to do with a team that can only suck. They sucked ineptly therefore.

Now, Nellie knows how to suck. He's got sucking down. He may even know how to stop sucking, too, but that's a year or two down the road.

It's even possible that the team won't suck quite as often as the Kings. That will be a switch!

Warriors are doing great, Nellie has been vindicated as a great coach. It's too bad it wasn't this easy to show how Liberals like yourself are wrong in political predictions too.