NBC under FCC investigation for Harris appearance on SNL

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
Seems the FCC thinks that NBC deliberately violated political campaign rules by putting Harris on Saturday Night Live with zero publicity before hand, and didn't let the Trump campaign know or offer equal time.

Seems it isn't just CBS or MSNBC that is in the bag for the Democrats. The timing on this one smells like two-week old fish. NBC did it just 50 hours before the election, and did so knowingly. The timing was obviously intended to prevent Trump from getting equal time before the election.
Poor scared little MAGATs, suddenly all concerned about "equal time" and "fairness."

This is so old timey......the rules/laws are whatever the Regime say they are today.

The FCC will do nothing.
Being the head of the FCC thinking that you are part of an organization on the side of good must be a lot like being the head of the RNC thinking that the will of the people still matters.

Confronting the truth must be painful.
But relevant, your implying a network deliberately did something unlawful and unethical while the information sources you worship have actually been caught doing what you are implying, it is hypocritical
Yep, and I don't watch FOX either so the rest of your diatribe is wrong.
Seems the FCC thinks that NBC deliberately violated political campaign rules by putting Harris on Saturday Night Live with zero publicity before hand, and didn't let the Trump campaign know or offer equal time.

Seems it isn't just CBS or MSNBC that is in the bag for the Democrats. The timing on this one smells like two-week old fish. NBC did it just 50 hours before the election, and did so knowingly. The timing was obviously intended to prevent Trump from getting equal time before the election.
Seems the FCC thinks that NBC deliberately violated political campaign rules by putting Harris on Saturday Night Live with zero publicity before hand, and didn't let the Trump campaign know or offer equal time.

Seems it isn't just CBS or MSNBC that is in the bag for the Democrats. The timing on this one smells like two-week old fish. NBC did it just 50 hours before the election, and did so knowingly. The timing was obviously intended to prevent Trump from getting equal time before the election.
Seems the FCC thinks that NBC deliberately violated political campaign rules by putting Harris on Saturday Night Live with zero publicity before hand, and didn't let the Trump campaign know or offer equal time.

Seems it isn't just CBS or MSNBC that is in the bag for the Democrats. The timing on this one smells like two-week old fish. NBC did it just 50 hours before the election, and did so knowingly. The timing was obviously intended to prevent Trump from getting equal time before the election.
We lost the equal time thing with Reagan. Totally meaningless.
In ten years, nobody will remember Kamala's name.

She is not the one. She is not important. She is merely another puppet.

No, it applied to TV as well.
While the original purpose of the doctrine was to ensure that viewers were exposed to a diversity of viewpoints, it was used by both the Kennedy and later the Johnson administration to combat political opponents operating on talk radio.

At the time it was introduced, there were just 3 television channels nationwide.