APP - NC-9 behind the numbers

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So yesterday the left was out trying to spin the results of NC-9 as being bad for President Trump and the Republican Party. Of course the Democrat Media Industrial Complex doesn't tell people the REAL story. That is why I am here.

The most unnerving example, from the Democratic perspective, is rural Robeson County. The ethnic makeup of this county is as follows: Native American (38.6%), White (25.7%), Black (24%), Hispanic (8.52%), Two or More Races (2.15%), Asian (0.66%), Other (0.275%). On Tuesday the Democrat received a fraction of the votes he received in 2018, running for the same seat. Ryan Matsumoto of Inside Elections provides the gory details: “McCready won Robeson County by only 1.11 points, a MASSIVE decrease from his 15.31 point margin last November.” In 2012, Obama carried Robeson by 17 points.

Now can we make predictions on 2020 based on this one county? Of course not, but if this type of scenario repeats itself in 2020 the democrat party is toast. Could this be the first real life voting example of minorities peeling off from the democrat party? People have talked about Blexit, but I don't believe there have been any voting patterns that would indicate that it is a real phenomenon. I have seen multiple polls where Trump has high approval among blacks.

Could this be a shot across the bow?

I tend to think that there is something to this. The reason is all of the effort the democrat party is making to paint Trump as "racist". They know that if they lose just 5-10% of the black vote they are dead.
Americans are better off than they were 3 years ago and they like that.
And thats ALL Americans.

That is true, but if blacks start waking up to the fact that the democrat party has duped them for generations, it doesn't matter how many illegals the democrat party imports.

I don't know if what happened in Robeson county is a precursor to 2020. We will only know the day after the election. But, and it is a big BUT, if it is the democrat party should be VERY afraid.

I will know how much the democrat party feels threatened by how deep they go into the "Trump is racist" schtick heading into 2020