Nearly half of Republicans support military sending illegal immigrants to internment camps

While they are there we can offer a job training program in construction and have them build their own housing / barracks / whatever that's needed to support their stay. Those with skills in agriculture can plant, grow, and harvest the food they'll need.
While they are there we can offer a job training program in construction and have them build their own housing / barracks / whatever that's needed to support their stay. Those with skills in agriculture can plant, grow, and harvest the food they'll need.
If we make them self-sufficient, they will say we are making them slaves on a plantation.
They have casinos and liquor. They'll be fine...
The claim that the white europeans genocided the indians is one of the main bullet points in why America should not be white european centric, for the mass importation of people who are not, for making America minority white through illegal acts from the government.

You seem to have missed my point, so I explained it to you.
The claim that the white europeans genocided the indians is one of the main bullet points in why America should not be white european centric, for the mass importation of people who are not, for making America minority white through illegal acts from the government.

You seem to have missed my point, so I explained it to you.
The Indians have nothing to do with illegal immigration.
I have what my wife and others claim is a bad habit of talking to people as if they are reasonably intelligent and thus can follow what I am trying to say, and only going back and supplying what I consider to be remedial information if it is called for by the listener clearly not tracking.

She says that I set the bar of expectations too high.
If we make them self-sufficient, they will say we are making them slaves on a plantation.
"They" can whine all they want. We should deport them on time and while they are awaiting deportation keep them doing something useful like building their own shelter and growing their own food. If they were slaves, they'd be doing that for someone besides themselves.
I have what my wife and others claim is a bad habit of talking to people as if they are reasonably intelligent and thus can follow what I am trying to say, and only going back and supplying what I consider to be remedial information if it is called for by the listener clearly not tracking.

She says that I set the bar of expectations too high.

You are still looking up at that bar. You must achieve that bar before you call
those at your same or lower level reasonably unintelligent. I am above that bar.
"They" can whine all they want. We should deport them on time and while they are awaiting deportation keep them doing something useful like building their own shelter and growing their own food. If they were slaves, they'd be doing that for someone besides themselves.
Hey, I agree with you 110%. And immediately deport those who refuse to help provide for themselves until their court dates.
But you know how libtards roll. They find fault with self respect.
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As a heart attack. Round them up and sort them out in custody. Call them internment camps if you want but you have to bring them somewhere secure if you're going to detain and deport as needed.

How the fuck else are you going to do it? Ask them to pretty please come back so we can check you further?

You fuck tard leftists are seriously missing mental reasoning genes or something. No logical patterns in your brains. Almost amazing how stupid a human can be and still exist. Shows how fucking soft our society has become
There is actually a plan for mass internment camps, but the idea is that they will be used either for those who refuse to get jabbed as instructed or MAGA.

I am pretty sure I remember that it is to be run by DOD.