Need Help From an Internet Saavy Person

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
How the FUCK do I block out Watermark's stupid GAY-ASS avatars on my computer? My internet is through IE. I have no idea how adblock works or anything like that...
How the FUCK do I block out Watermark's stupid GAY-ASS avatars on my computer? My internet is through IE. I have no idea how adblock works or anything like that...

You need Firefox. With Firefox, you can block images entirely. JPP has a preference setting to turn off avatars, but it doesn't work for Waterhead's because he links (steals) from another online source. It's a technical glitch that Grind or Damo should fix, but they probably don't know how or don't care.
You need Firefox. With Firefox, you can block images entirely. JPP has a preference setting to turn off avatars, but it doesn't work for Waterhead's because he links (steals) from another online source.

1. If you don't want your images to be hotlinked, you have a responsibility to not put hotlinkable images on the web. This can be done through the HTML code. If I establish a site with HTML code specifically allowing someone to hotlink my images, I cannot complain when people utilize this feature that I have knowingly allowed. Why do conservatives have no concept of personal responsibility?

2. Damo's site takes the image, converts it to the correct size, and rehosts it on his servers. My avatar is not a hotlinked image. The image in question comes from wikipedia, and is therefore open source and in the public domain.

3. My avatar is treated no differently than anyone elses.

4. Kill yourself.

It's a technical glitch that Grind or Damo should fix, but they probably don't know how or don't care.

It's true, they don't care. That should be the official motto of JPP: we don't care.
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I have the feeling I'm not going to like the fix it brought me to, Grind, because its a pretty general blocking of pictures hosted on this site. I will experiment with it for now, but my entire photo album of hot babes will probably go to crap...

EDIT: Yeah, that was useless...
Well, its not my computer to be making those decisions on. My desktop is dead for the time being, until my roommate finally decides to visit his family up in Marysville, and carts it with him to his stepdad who can work on it. Even then, I'm probably going to say fuck that to Firefox.

Actually, this computer does have Chrome. What can I do on Chrome to block out Watermark's gayness?
Unless by "IE" you mean "IE9 beta", you are currently subhuman to me Three. And if you mean IE9 beta, you're only human in the way that a prole is.
How the FUCK do I block out Watermark's stupid GAY-ASS avatars on my computer? My internet is through IE. I have no idea how adblock works or anything like that...
Just put that gay fucker on ignore. He never writes anything of interest or consequence anyway.
You need Firefox. With Firefox, you can block images entirely. JPP has a preference setting to turn off avatars, but it doesn't work for Waterhead's because he links (steals) from another online source. It's a technical glitch that Grind or Damo should fix, but they probably don't know how or don't care.
Yeah, lots of hard work for very little purpose. Too easy to simply adblock his image as he links to it.
Anyway, the easiest way to do it, 3D, without killing everything else would be to use your adblock to simply block his image each time he links to a new one.