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Scientific evidence and logic behind the claim that the Wuhan coronavirus is man-made


Can the sequence be fabricated? It cannot be any easier. It takes a person less than a day to TYPE such a sequence (less than 30,000 letters) in a word file. And it would be a thousand times easier if you already have a template that is about 98% identical to the one you are trying to create. Once the typing is finished, one can upload the sequence onto the public database, without being really questioned for its authenticity or correctness. Once uploaded and released, such sequence data becomes public and can be used legitimately in scientific analysis and publications.

Then, can this RaTG13 sequence be used as evidence in judging the matter? Well, remember, a central part of the matter is whether or not this Wuhan coronavirus is engineered or created by ZHENGLI SHI. It is Shi, not anybody else, who is the biggest suspect of this possible crime that is grander than any other crime ever committed in human history. Given the circumstances, if the evidence she raised to prove herself innocent is nothing but a bunch of letters recently typed in a word file, should anyone treat it as valid evidence?

Unfortunately, in several recent reports, scientists indeed based their analyses on this RaTG13 sequence and thereby reached conclusions such as the Wuhan coronavirus is a result of natural evolution. I hope you now agree that these conclusions could not be trusted because they are based on data that is most likely FABRICATED BY SHI.

Now, let us think about this from the other direction. The RaTG13 virus has a highly alarming sequence. Glancing at the sequence of the spike protein of this virus, any expert would immediately realize that this virus resembles SARS in its potential in binding human ACE2 and therefore may very likely be able to infect humans. Shi herself is such an expert. According to Shi, her lab studies bat coronaviruses so that they could someday predict novel coronavirus outbreaks and better prepare the public for such events. If her statement is true, then how could she possibly overlook this extremely interesting finding of RaTG13, something that clearly has the potential to infect humans? If this RaTG13 was discovered SEVEN years ago, why did Shi not publish this astonishing finding earlier? Why did she decide to publish such a sequence only when the current outbreak took place and people started questioning the origin of the Wuhan coronavirus?

None of these make sense. All in all, these facts should make people question Zhengli Shi even more in terms of her possible involvement in the matter; she either was directly involved in the creation of this virus/bioweapon, or helped cover it up, or both. Of course, these facts also speak the necessity to exclude this RaTG13 sequence from any scientific analysis.

The same goes to the notion that pangolins might be the intermediate host responsible for transmitting the virus from bats to humans. In early Feb, a press conference was held, where three researchers from South China Agriculture University (SCAU) claimed that their recent findings point to Pangolin as a possible intermediate host. First of all, the timing of the press conference is interesting – just when people are saying that bat viruses cannot directly infect humans and an intermediate host must exist (where the viral spike protein would “learn”/adapt to bind an ACE2 similar to human ACE2). When something MUST exist to favor the side of the CCP, this something always miraculously appears, just like Shi’s RaTG13. This time, it is the Pangolin coronavirus. Before even publishing the paper, these researchers showed their evidence – sequence of the receptor binding domain of the pangolin coronavirus that looks almost identical to the Wuhan coronavirus. Again, no live virus exists here, just the sequence (not even released back then). It is the same deal as the RaTG13 case; a person can literally type this sequence out in a few minutes. Therefore, for similar reasons, one has to be extremely cautious and alert that this may again be fabricated by the CCP with an intention to help cover up the truth.

Fortunately, the field seems to have excused pangolins. The pangolin coronavirus sequence that was finally released by the SCAU group and another research group in Hong Kong fell short in convincing people about pangolin’s role as an intermediate host (4, 5). This is in part because, according to its sequence, the pangolin coronavirus also does not have the furin-cleavage site.

Nonetheless, like RaTG13, these recent papers claiming the role of pangolin as an intermediate host should be discarded (4, 5). In fact, very recently, these SCAU researchers admitted to the press that, upon further analysis of the complete sequence of the Pangolin coronavirus, they also do not believe Pangolin is a possible intermediate host of the Wuhan coronavirus.

Some scientific literature that deserves the spotlight

We have just laid out the reasons why certain “scientific evidence” should be excluded. Now let us switch over to see why some other scientific evidence deserves our complete attention.

First, the two bat coronaviruses, ZC45 and ZXC21, that are STRANGELY CLOSE to the Wuhan coronavirus were collected by a military research lab of the CCP. They published the finding and the sequences of these two viruses back in 2018 (6). I want to emphasize two facts here: 1) if the Wuhan coronavirus was man-made, then it must have been created using ZC45 or ZXC21 as a template; 2) nobody in this world has these bat coronaviruses, except for the CCP as evidenced by this publication.

Second, Zhengli Shi co-authored a paper in Nature Medicine back in 2015 (7), where she collaborated with Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina to show that replacing the spike protein of a non-human-infecting coronavirus with a spike protein capable of binding human ACE2 led to a novel coronavirus that gained the ability to infect humans. Now, what is happening in the Wuhan coronavirus essentially follows the same scheme; the changes, although minimal, are sufficient to turn the bat coronavirus into a virus that can infect humans. The only difference is that, when changes are this subtle, tracing the origin of the virus becomes much difficult.

Third, a 2006 publication showed that inserting a furin-cleavage site in the junction region of S1 and S2 of spike of the SARS coronavirus led to much enhanced membrane fusion activity of the virus (8). Although viral infectivity enhancement was not observed in their study using pseudo viruses, presence of such furin-cleavage sites is known to be associated with high pathogenicity in influenza virus infections. Miraculously, this is precisely what is observed in the Wuhan coronavirus (region marked by two green lines in Figure 3). Furthermore, influenza viruses containing such furin-cleavage sites often infect a greater variety of cells and are therefore more likely to target organs in addition to the lung. Now you should recall multiple recent reports describing that the Wuhan coronavirus infects multiple organs, including lung, heart, blood vein, liver, central nerve system, etc.[see next post]