APP - Net neutrality questions

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I know that there is a lot of consternation coming from the left over President Trumps FCC decision to wipe away net neutrality as he promised to do. I have heard all sorts of gloom and doom scenarios.

Since I am a curious sort, it raises some questions that don't seem to add up. Bear in mind Net Neutrality took effect on Feb 15, 2015

1) Before Feb 15, 2015, how did the internet prosper? How did all of these online businesses, apps etc spring up?
2) Netflix began streaming video content in 2007. How in the world did they manage to do that and change the landscape of viewing content in 8 years WITHOUT net neutrality?
3) On one hand I hear liberals call Trump an authoritarian, yet here he is giving up government power and turning it back to the people and the free market where it rightfully belongs. How do you square that?
4) If you think Trump is such a horrible person and wannabe dictator, why would you want the power of the internet in his hands?