Never a truer word spoken

cancel2 2022

G J Chesterton was a great man.
Glad he's dead.
He was arguably the best writer of the 20th century, if you ever stopped playing computer games and wanted to learn more about the real world then he's the man. There are some Americans who've seen the light!

T.S. Eliot said that Chesterton’s book on Dickens is the “best on that author that has ever been written.”

One of the most surprising things about the book is that at the time it was written, the novels of Dickens were experiencing something of an eclipse in England. But Chesterton’s book helped spark a wide revival of Dickens, prompting J.M. Dent to publish new editions of all his books for the Everyman’s Library – and to invite G.K. Chesterton to write an introduction for each of the twenty-four volumes.
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He also had no clue what feminism is.
Well I am sure that he'd be totally baffled by so called Third Wave feminism and a trifle vexed by Second Wave as well. However he wrote some brilliant aphorisms along with over 4000 essays over an 11 year period, an average of one a day.

‘My country, right or wrong,’ is a thing that no true patriot would think of saying. . . . It is like saying, ‘My mother, drunk or sober’

"The function of the imagination is not to make strange things settled, so much as to make settled things strange.”

“A key has no logic to its shape. Its logic is: it turns the lock.”
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Well I am sure that he'd be totally baffled by so called Third Wave feminism and a trifle vexed by Second Wave as well. However he wrote some brilliant aphorisms along with over 4000 essays over an 11 year period, an average of one a day.

‘My country, right or wrong,’ is a thing that no true patriot would think of saying. . . . It is like saying, ‘My mother, drunk or sober’

Everyone has an opinion, some profit from their opinion whether it is right or wrong.