Never Ask What's in the Sausage


'Sausage trader' caught selling weapons grade uranium

MOSCOW - An international nuclear smuggling scandal erupted yesterday after it was revealed that a Russian man has been caught selling weapons-grade uranium on the open market that could easily be used in a small nuclear bomb.

To clarify, the amount this fellow had on him at the time of his arrest was not, in itself, enough to make a bomb. He claimed to have access to more, however.
I never read the labels on any processed meat products.....
Pretty scary, maybe worse than uranium...

I have to wonder why this news item has not made a big blast over here. It would seem to me that the bush admin would want to crow about catching a uranium smuggler.
I read about it a day or so ago on BBC.
This reminds me of the book I just finished reading about Ed Gein...the venison he use to give his neighbors.

Don't ask!