Never Negotiate with the United States



The United States has made it well known that no international laws apply to them, only to you, America will do as it wishes and backtrack on any agreement at any time due to its own arbitrary domestic political reasons. It cannot be trusted.

Never. Negotiate. With. The. United. States.

They WILL betray you. Your only way to defend yourself and your people is to acquire nuclear weapons and ICBMs and point them at the terrorist capital of Washington DC. Only then for an instant will the barbarians hesitate in their desire for bloodlust and genocide of you and your people.

Any treaty you make with the United States, any agreement, think of that as an IOU backed by jack shit on the American side, and your total destruction on yours.

Do. Not. Sign. An. Agreement. With. The. United. States.

They WILL betray you. Ghaddaffi got a bayonet up the ass. Kim Jong Un is fat and happy in Pyongang without a single yankee bastard polluting his entire country. Who do you want to be? Be Kim Jong Un. Tell America to go fuck itself. If they're going to kill you, they will kill you, a peace of paper isn't going to stop them but a nuke just might.
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Sadaam destroyed his weapons of mass destruction and cracked down on Islamist terrorists in his nations. He was hanged from a noose. Iran bent over backwards to sign a treaty limiting its nuclear program with the United States. Now the United States threw off all its obligations on its side but still uses their failure to abide by it as a justification for war. Literally Iran just gave the United States a justification for war in return for nothing, that's what it got from the treaty.

Never. Trust. The. United. States.

The United States word is worth nothing. Wipe your ass with it. They WILL betray you. They obey NO rules. All they believe in is power, cruelty, and their domination of the whole world.

Do. Not. Trust. The. United. States.

All they understand is force. Use force. It's the only language the animals speak, don't train a single person in your nation in English because they sure as hell don't understand that, it's a waste of fucking time.
Hopefully Iran has wisdom and is building nuclear weapons at this moment. It's their only shot at avoiding genocide. I fear that they're only pursuing a peaceful nuclear program, that is naive and stupid, they need nuclear weapons to defend themselves and their people.