APP - NeverTrumpers and their so called "principles"

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I find it fascinating that NeverTrumpers have bestowed upon themselves the title of "principled conservative". I wonder if it is principled to stand by while the left uses the power of the government to take down innocent citizens?

The NeverTrumpers have stayed on the sidelines while the left has used every Stalinist tactic in their arsenal to take down President Trump. Could it be that NeverTrumpers are like "moderate" muslims in that they won't detonate the bomb vest themselves, but they will sit on the sidelines and quietly cheer it on?

Is that the "principled" conservatives they are? Some NEverTrumpers like Bill Kristol have even gone so far as to root FOR the Deep State against President Trump. And these are the people we are supposed to follow?

No thank you.
It is one thing for NeverTrumpers to overlook their vaunted "principles" when it comes to President Trump. He has so embarrassed them be governing as a conservative that they don't know what to do. But, that why would stand by in silence while innocent people like Carter Page, Michael Flynn and George Papadopolous are destroyed is astonishing.

I know it fits with the RINO pattern of never wanting to fight back against the left. These same NeverTrumpers like Bill Kriston, Peggy Noonan and Max Boot never once stood up for Sarah Palin. In fact many NeverTrumpers joined in the attacks with the left thinking it would give them street credit with the leftists. It never does, but it doesn't stop the NeverTrumpers from trying