Leftists are fond of predicting the future, and their predictions, which are always dire, then become the pretext for more government. Otherwise, they say, the world will come to an end.
Leftists are wrong about the future because their theories are based on emotions and ideology, not facts.
Unlike conservatives, whose ideas are grounded on prudence and a clear view of human nature, leftists really have no conception of what drives human beings: their thinking is built on a handful of fixed ideas that can be traced to a number of shallow-minded philosophers. What all of these "thinkers" have in common is the misconception that a centralized, planned economy can transform society into a utopia.
In every case, they've been wrong. The world's population did not starve (Malthus); capitalism was not replaced with a socialist Utopia (Marx); the earth has not been consumed by storm, drought, and rising seas (Gore).
Collectivist ideology has produced poverty, starvation, enslavement, and mass murder. The Soviet Union sent at least 18 million to the gulags, and few returned from the worst of these camps. Stalin practiced a crude form of authoritarian rule based on Marxist ideology. He believed that, given supreme power, the State (in the person of Stalin himself) could transform a backward and inefficient economy into a world leader. The key to this process was a ruthless and inhuman exercise of power.
Stalin was not a highly intelligent or subtle human being, but he did have one quality that distinguished him from others: the willingness to employ unlimited cruelty in the service of an idea.
There are others today, including Chairman Xi in Communist China, who appear willing to employ violence and coercion in support of the Utopian goal.
Like Stalin, Biden the bungler's handlers sat patiently in the background, awaiting their chance to rule, and now that they have power, DEMOCRATS are determined to "transform" America to correspond with their idea of the future. Biden is no Stalin, but his handlers share Stalin's devotion to leftist ideology. And like Stalinists, Bidenites believe they must transform society through government fiat because the people are to ignorant to know what's best for them.
Like all utopias, the left's vision is that of a perfect society created by the planning and control of an authoritarian state.
And like all leftists, DEMOCRAT ideology that promises a totally ordered and efficient future with the State and woke elite in the business world regulating and directing the means of production and controlling the private lives of its population.
While we have no gulags or death camps - yet, we do have a dangerous new instrument of state control — a national system of censorship and virtual "re-education" in support of the progressive state.
This informal system controls the traditional media of television and print journalism and the newer forms of social media by virtue of having been infiltrated and taken over by leftists. Like Stalinist censorship of books and newspapers, its purpose is to ensure permanent power for the progressive regime.
What is new is the breadth of today's censorship hiding behind an illusion of "private enterprise".
The leftists who run and staff most media organizations control the bulk of internet "news"; they skew search results, and weaponize all available avenues to advance a collectivist, authoritarian idea of the future.
It is terrifying to think that America has become the tool of Iran, Russia and Communist China in the service of global tyranny.
We are now seeing the worst assault on individualism in our nation's history — broader, more ruthless, and more determined than anything we have seen in the past.
Sleepy Joe Biden is a fool, but his handlers are ruthless practitioners of progressivism. The happy future that they promise is an illusion; the reality is regimentation and control.
That future will steer the country toward global alliances with collectivist states that oppress their people as ruthlessly as Stalin did in the 20th century. Xi Jinping has reportedly detained 1.5 million people in "re-education" camps. How long will it be until America's progressive state detains the un-woke for re-education? Compulsory workplace sensitivity training is only just the beginning.
This is not the America we grew up in, and the censorship, voter fraud, fake news, and corruption of public education seem irreversible.
The Bidenites seek to expand the size of government beyond anything we have known in the past, and with it the power that government has over our lives. That sort of control does not suggest a happy future. The left is determined to enslave us.