New Article about JPM case...


Sexy Beast!

This article talks about $7 Billion being fought over between WMI and JPM ($4 Billion deposits and $3 Billion tax returns). There is more to discuss on the JPM case, such as the Intellectual Property damages which could result in $6.5 Billion as well. Some good articles have been coming out this week, and we are seeing a jump in share price along with that. A jump that would be expected when good news comes out with any stock. It's not crazy, just 15% so far.

Now is a great time to buy in if you missed it the first time. Sitting around .12, it can jump to .40 at any moment, or more if rulings come out. The trend should be up with media outlets actually putting the story out there more than a year too late.

Here is another article that was posted to the Wall Street Journal:

I may post full text to this article for those who don't have a subscription if anyone is interested.