New Black "Queen Cleopatra" movie gets worst IMDB rating i have ever seen.

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
Was released by netflix a week ago and is billed as a DOCUMENTARY!!!. They lied about everything. Nearly all the 59,000 viewer ratings said it was awful . On the IMDB 1-10 scale it got a 1. I have never seen that before. Below is one review.

This movie is nothing but a shoddy, inaccurate joke of a movie. There is nothing remotely historical or biographical about it whatsoever. Someone just wanted to interject their social justice view of history into their own version and try to pass it off as if it were even remotely true. It is full of suppositions, guesses, and assumptions instead of historical fact. Aside from that, it is extremely dull and boring. They really should leave the history to actual academics instead of trying to continually push their leftist narrative via these boorish propaganda films that no one has asked for in the first place