New Bond Film Announced

i've seen every bond film made. the wife and i, during one cold winter in the NW, watched em all. we started with the first one and went all the way through. took us two months i think. it was a nice history trip as well.
i've seen every bond film made. the wife and i, during one cold winter in the NW, watched em all. we started with the first one and went all the way through. took us two months i think. it was a nice history trip as well.

whats the best?
I'll be watching it when it comes out.

Have you seen No Country for Old Men? I saw it on a plane going to Thailand and missed much of it because I was so knackered. I watched it again the other night on a terrestrial channel and it is a truly scary film, don't watch it alone.
whats the best?

i don't remember exactly which one we liked the best, but sean connery was in it. with that said, it is hard to have a best bond film because they are filmed in different time periods. i would rather have a best for a specific decade vs. overall. for example, there was a roger moore one in the 70's that was total cheese, but we were in the groove and watching it for fun and to see how films were made back then and we loved it. now, would i watch it to solely entertain myself, hell no. too slow and boring compared to modern movies.
Thank you all!! On Her Majesty's Secret Service is by far the best of the series. If you haven't seen it, Grind, then you need to. From Russia With Love can stand as a second place finisher, with no shame, as it is also a great film.

Can't wait for the new one. I hated Quantum of Solace, so I hope it will be more like Casino Royale.

Also, I own every film except Never Say Never Again (which is not part of the authorized series, and sucks), and I have never seen the old Casino Royale made in the 50s, which Tom referenced.
I still can't believe I have to wait yet another year for it, but the link indicated the casting will be awesome, with guys like Ralph Fiennes in there. Also, Craig claims the script is great, so...
My brothers and I used to have Bond Nights...

Where we'd rent them all, get drunk and watch Bond flicks all night. Now there are too many to fit into one night.
Have you seen No Country for Old Men? I saw it on a plane going to Thailand and missed much of it because I was so knackered. I watched it again the other night on a terrestrial channel and it is a truly scary film, don't watch it alone.

No, I haven't. Our Blockbuster store closed so I'm searching for other rental stores.