APP - New deep space vehicle to be based on Orion: NASA

seems that nasa will give up on the international space station for deep space exploration

I was watching an interview with Buzz Aldrin on BBC World in my hotel room in Thailand, he said that NASA made a big mistake in trying to combine the ferrying of passengers and materials aboard one craft. What he failed to say though was that there was enormous pressure from the military in the Shuttle's design and that why it ended as such a dog's breakfast of a craft. He did intimate that it was a major source of embarrassment to have to rely on the Russians for up to five years to get to the ISS.
I was watching an interview with Buzz Aldrin on BBC World in my hotel room in Thailand, he said that NASA made a big mistake in trying to combine the ferrying of passengers and materials aboard one craft. What he failed to say though was that there was enormous pressure from the military in the Shuttle's design and that why it ended as such a dog's breakfast of a craft. He did intimate that it was a major source of embarrassment to have to rely on the Russians for up to five years to get to the ISS.
He probably didn't want to be to critical on the military that let him go into space in the first place.
When the shuttles become museum pieces, US astronauts will hitch rides on Russian spacecraft to orbiting station until a replacement is developed.

Well, that is embarrassing. We're the most technologically advanced country in the world, and yet, our astronauts will be forced to bum a ride from Russia for the next 10 years. What a disgrace.

Well, that is embarrassing. We're the most technologically advanced country in the world, and yet, our astronauts will be forced to bum a ride from Russia for the next 10 years. What a disgrace.


I suppose this is required reading for the astronauts.
