New Game - Seinfeld SHEEP


on indefiniate mod break
ok so this game wont take like any time at all.

How the game works:

I present a list of categories, you pm me your answers. Your goal is to select what you think will be the most said answer by everyone else playing

You get 1 point for each person that said the same answer as you.

Whoever has the most points overall wins the game O_O

I will reveal the most popular answers on monday.

This week it's SEINFELD

Answer all of the following, in pm, to me:

a food in Seinfeld
a movie in Seinfeld
a woman Jerry dated
a fake name in Seinfeld
a man Elaine worked for
a scheme of Kramer's
a catch phrase from Seinfeld
an old person in Seinfeld
come on idiots

only 2 people have sent me lists

even if you dont know the show, googling is fair game, as the game isn't just about knowing stuff but knowing what everyone else will choose.

looking to get at least 10 people in.